pets are so much better than people....I am not sorry

by oompa 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • GoingGoingGone

    oompa, where are you?? Answer already!!

    You are tired of life... now. In a year from now, you will have shivers going down your spine when you think of all the life you would have missed out on, how much suffering your kids would have had to go through, how much of their accomplishments and smiles and hugs you missed. You will wonder how much different their lives would have been if you had gone through with it. If you take your life, you also take their innocence and their childhoods.

    Get help, reach out to someone, check yourself into the hospital.... something!! We care, some of us have been where you are now. Use those phone numbers you have. You WILL feel better. Accept the help people are offering you. They wouldn't offer if they didn't care.



  • V1710

    gin and anti-depressants ~ yuck!!!!!!!!

    don't do this to your children. it isn't fair to them or you.

    your in my thoughts and prayers friend.


  • startingover


    I remember your posts about wanting to just get away. That's one thing, and I can understand the feeling as I have been there. But if you are making other, more permanent plans, I just want to say that if these feelings come because of the JW connection in your life, remember that if you carry these plans out, they win. Don't let them win!

    I discovered this site: It has had a lasting effect on me looking at the faces. Try it.

    One more thought, remember the motorcycles.

    Luv ya man!

  • LyinEyes

    What going, going, gone said.......about getting shivers down your spine when you think of what you might have done , in a year from now is so true.

    When I fianlly learned how to deal with the lows of my horrible downs,,,,,I just kept saying to myself ......"this too shall pass",,over and over .

    Now when I feel those coming on and I have finally for the most part learned my warning signs of deep depression, I get to the meds right away, and hold on until they start to work.

  • nvrgnbk

    Every time I think of ending it all, something good follows that I'm glad I stuck around for.

    A really nice sunset.

    My son telling me he loves me.

    A song I never heard before.

    I hope it gets better, oompa.

  • erynw
  • tula



    ..Poor Oompa!!It`s always "Poor Oompa!" With another "Sorry Story" to tell!!..LOL!!.....I`ve been left for dead,in the Wilderness!!..And..Never whined on this board!.....Of course your a "Special Case!"..And..Your wife does Yoga,with the "Heavy Weight" PO`s wife!..LOL!!.....Your just not believable!!...OUTLAW

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Starting over,

    Cool site. Those are not the faces of unlovable people. But I bet they felt that way before they chose to leave.


    You need to seek out whatever will bring you out of this low point. You cannot just check out without seriously damaging a lot of the people you love.

  • Es

    Thinkin of you oompa.

    Hope you are ok pls let us know you are ok


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