Who's Paired Off On This Here Board?

by snowbird 125 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    The night loves darkness for a reason.

  • snowbird
    The night loves darkness for a reason.

    Hey, John Doe, why do you keep switching avatars? You gotta stop confusing your fiend from Alabama.

    "Anonymity is a shield against the tyranny of the majority."


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I changed to this one because it shows off my pumkins! ;-)

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Snowbird, ask John Doe, if he had the same dream about me. Tell me what he says.

  • snowbird
    I changed to this one because it shows off my pumkins! ;-)

    You're so nasty. Where'd you get the horrible one that so perturbed Hortensia? Can I have it? I want to frighten my nosy little granddaughter.

    Your fiend.


    PS Did you have the same dream about Horri?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Last night, I stayed up all night getting a paper done that had to be uploaded by 10:45 this morning--24 hours before a conference with the professor tomorrow about the paper. I finished that at 9, then went to work from 11 to 8, so I didn't do much dreaming last night. ;-) Actually, I probably ought to go to bed. My eyes are burning and I'm a bit loopy.

    But if I had slept, I probably would have dreamed about horrible life. 8^)

  • snowbird
    But if I had slept, I probably would have dreamed about horrible life. 8^)

    Are you paying attention, Horri?


  • hambeak

    Hambeak and plotinically Sparky and crumpet.

    My main squeeze of 22 years Jake

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Here's one for you snowbird.

  • snowbird

    Thanks, John Doe, but it didn't faze her. May I have the other one? Please?

    Your fiend.


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