144,000 resurrected BEFORE Jesus rose?

by tula 65 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tula
    With the Messiah's resurrection those who were released "appeared to many" with their resurrection bodies. And it seems they ascended with the Messiah at the end of the forty days (Ephesians 4:7-9).


    1 corinthians 15:23

    23 But each in his own turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him.

    christ...comma implicates the word "AND"

    firstfruits...the word is plural and implies a gathering (the 144,000)

    then, WHEN HE COMES...there will be others (the Great Crowd who have been under the "tent of protection" through the great tribulation")

  • writetoknow

    actually my point is take a pick and you have. And that's the whole point people stand on issues and disfellowship people over things they can only make a quess at.

    There are hundreds of interpertation over these verse just like there are hundreds of people each having their own thoughts and that should about all tells us a lot!

  • tula
    And that's the whole point people stand on issues and disfellowship people over things they can only make a quess at.

    write to know...

    Do you feel scriptural discussions are at least productive in using a medium such as this discussion board?

    Do you feel that you have come to conclusions over grey areas (and/or dogma) because of discussion and feedback?

    Or do you always feel that you are back at square one?

    Do you feel its more "taking a stand" on the issue or "exploring the possibilities"?

  • writetoknow

    Actually I think people should have open discussion about all subjects because it does cause growth. However, as you can read for yourself in most post (not all) people are proving a point they are not asking or searching.

    I don't believe the bible is unlocked if you have a point to prove nether did Christ. I think most people that have come to be JW's did so to be right in every bible discussion rathers then seeking God's well in their life. From that stand point it about winning a war it about using knowledge to feel superior. When one does that if they can be honest with themselves they lack faith in God's promises - their faith is fear based they are trying to save their soul by scriptures correctness. Thus, viewing God as a man that must produce a perfect binding contract.

    We often look to trends of a common thread to connect truths of life. I suggest that a clear thinking person must see the common tread of confusion and opinionated people on doctrinal issues among Christain. One must concluded if eternal life depended on the perfect interpretation of scriptures then all the Christian for two thousands years did not make it. I don't believe that for one minute nor do I think God is that small to read doctrine rather then the hearts of men. The heart of men can change from good to bad over doctirnal debate.

    The Bible was written intentionally ambigious and insufficient

    So that we would turn to God and trust Him instead of men

    Moreover, those that have left the JW"s and were shown they were wrong that they have been decieved should see the same common thread in all organizations. Furthermore, if a Christian has God's Spirit God will lead them and give them the correct answer to things pertaining to their faith.

    Most often debating dogma does not produce good for the listener searching for the truth it over turns those listening and stumbles weak Christain or inforces the idea fighting about the bible is what God people are all about.

  • fresia
    So it is MY OPINION that these resurrections would have been no different than Lazarus being resurrected or any other resurrection done by the prophets in ancient times where people came back to life for a while but then would later die from old age or whatever

    JC, maybe this was a miniture fullfillment of the earthly resurrection to take place in the new system.

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Tula! Keep up the good research and line of thinking! Who really knows, did the bodies raise up then go into the city? Perhaps, after an earthquake the bodies thrown out of their grave, and the people standing around who witnessed the event went back into the city and preached to the people what had happened to Jesus!

    Everytime I read that verse, it really does appear that their was a resurrection of the holy ones! I use to think that the raised holy ones were proof that their would be a future resurrection! It's a brain teaser!

    At least your looking at the scripture! good topic. Oh have you looked into some commentairies at the library or book store? Interesting how the NWT reads compared to the WT. LOL

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