I Watched A Documentary On Jim Jones &The People's Temple & Thought of JWs

by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • ness

    ok. whatever.

  • minimus

    Well, Ness, I'm glad you can see the reasoning here.

    Jones would regularly do "practice sessions" to have the believers take fake poison and drop dead. When it came time for the real thing, they were already conditioned. JWs ALWAYS talk about how we have to be aware that the "governments are going to come after us" and we have to remain faithful. If the gov'ts did come after pre-conditioned Witnesses, what would happen if the GB told them that this is IT?

    It's the conditioning and the mind control that's so similar.

  • dedpoet

    Thanks min. I guess people tend not to see the comparisons between
    the watchtower and cults like Peoples Temple, Heavens Gate, Branch
    Davidian and the Manson Family because their murder/suicide pacts
    happened on a specific date rather than over a period of years, and were
    thus sensationalised by the media.

    However, jws who die for lack of a blood transfusion are just as dead as
    any of the PT members who either swallowed poison or were forced to
    take it in Jonestown in November 1978. What they have done is no
    differrent - they've made the ultimate pointless sacrifice - their life - for
    a cause they believe in.

    It's impossible to even estimate how many jws have died as a direct
    result of the blood ban, but I'd be willing to bet that it's a lot more than
    died at Jonestown.

  • mouthy

    ok. whatever.Ness !! Not only by blood refusuals -but suicides, those who have gone blind -because they did not permit cornea transplants ( till they changed there mind. ) I Vaccinations??? What about the fact that gave leg burns to LOOK like vacinations?
    I can go on & on I had a support group for 21 years. Many!!!! can tell stories that happened to them... I think they are WORSE than Jonestown, because you saw the dead lying there.... but the JW are one here one there..ALL OVER THE WORLD
    Examine your religion my love


  • minimus

    Grace, please explain the leg burn thing.

  • mouthy

    At Pennsylvania there are many there Joan Cetnar & MANY others ,,when they were going to school had to be vacinnated -but the WT said the vacine had blood in it -so it was forbidden So to start school a JW Doctor made a small burn on their leg or arm to look like they had one & gave a cirtificate to say when the Vacination? was done.. Come to PA & SEE for your self....

  • minimus

    I never knew that! Thanks!!!

    So they lied.....I mean they used theocratic strategy.

  • Highlander
    Jones would regularly do "practice sessions" to have the believers take fake poison and drop dead. When it came time for the real thing, they were already conditioned.

    And the J-dubs have 'practice sessions' where they have a group discussion of why they don't take blood and what they are to do when faced with a medical emergency that requires the use of blood. This also involves signing away their life on their damn blood card.

    When a medical emergency does occur, they are already conditioned for the real thing and readily give up their life to the wt blood altar.

    There's not much of a difference between jones and the wt cult. The wt continues to make daily sacrifcies at the blood altar. One person at a time.

  • mouthy

    NO they LIED!!!!

    So they lied.....I mean they used theocratic strategy.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Jim Jones or Fredrick Franz exactly the same thing. Witness friends, Don't drink the cool aid...it's poison...don't listen to him!

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