Brother Prince

by The-Borg 67 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • sweetstuff

    "You don't have to be rich to be my girl...." trying to get it back on track Borg. I got to admit I love Prince's song "Get on", he he he. I wonder if he asked the brother's to not refer to him as Prince but as a "symbol", LMAO.

  • carla

    Sorry if folks highjacked your thread but it does serve an important purpose. For all those who believe jw's do not break up families and marriages here is a studying jw who is ready to throw her husband away at the whim of the org. Here is yet another thread to see what this cult does to ones thinking abilities as well as their capacity to love, truly love, unconditionally. She is ready to throw her husband away even though the bible says differently about being married to a so called unbeliever. How sad for her husband, stuck with a cold hearted mind controlled bitch. Sadder yet, she has a child?!

  • sweetstuff
    Sadder yet, she has a child?!

    I hope the father gets custody! She obviously knows nothing about the bible or spirituality or she would never have stated anything of the kind. A christian wife married to an unbeliever is encouraged to win him over without a word, to stay with her husband if its at all possible. Sounds like this chick is wacked, probably why she is studying to begin with.

  • 4mylove


    she has already said she would follow biblical law when it comes to her daughter. The brothers in the organization obviously mean more to the lady than her daughter, her marriage and self identity. she is a lost cause. I wonder how they got to her. they only come calling on people that are hurting. I wonder if any of them ever knocked on the door of the likes of Jim or Tammy faye? Hahahahaha.

  • The-Borg
    "You don't have to be rich to be my girl...." trying to get it back on track Borg. I got to admit I love Prince's song "Get on", he he he. I wonder if he asked the brother's to not refer to him as Prince but as a "symbol", LMAO.

    Thanks sweetstuff,

    Superfunkycalifragisexy (woah yeah)
    Superfunkycalifragisexy (woah yeah)


  • 4mylove

    "I would die 4 U...Darling if you want me to...."

    " like it's 1999!!!!!!!!"

    Wasn't there a time when people where worried about him and Mayte because there was a shrowd over the baby situation?

  • Blackboo

    Prince is a wonderful artist. His music is the bomb..but sadly Jehovah's Witnesses and the whole watchtower foundation is FALSE. It was built upon and founded on FALSEHOOD. There new world bible is False...those guys responsible for that are cursed. It changes meanings in the suit there teachings. The bible says not to add or take away..and they have far pass this sin..without most current Witnesses knowing this fact. Of course..they teach some truths..thats what gets people to Join them..but they dont walk the talk i tell you that.

    I,ve been a witness for 4 years and i seen things i thought a christian shouldnt do or act. Its all nothing but a social CLUB. There speakers talk and speak in a if there doing it jus because they wanna get paid..or have power. Where in the Bible is the Word Governing Body? Publisher? What a joke...they claim they are preaching about the good news..but why do the presentations at the theocratic ministry service meetings look and sound like a sales pitch? There heart is not in getting any good news to no one. I know this..i,ve been in slave...i mean field service. It all seems forced..and no one seems to be interested in what they are doing..and i seen the same things in different congregations i have been in with my study conductor. I really hate the fact that this large organization is getting away with misleading millions of people.

    The JW's are not bad people at all..well some of them are..but i think those who know its wrong..and continue to pretend its the truth..i have a problem with. They deny anything negative about the watchtower..and if so..write it off as minor there false predictions..nothing minor..about speaking in God's name on purpose..and knowing full well..its a LIE. Not only have they done it once..but MANY times! God has nothing to do with anyone speaking lies in his name. They claimed they are not excuse there deception..but act like they are. If they are not inspired...why do they teach that 1914 which is a truth? Easy...God has NOTHING to do with Jehovah's Witnesses..because he did NOT inspire a LYING organization! There whole foundation and history is a web of lies. Do your research..good behavior does not excuse lying.

  • wednesday

    This isn't about Prince , but I do recall Michael Jackson, way back when, came to a local book study. Everyone was all a dither and you had to be with the "in" group to know about it..

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