Sharpton and Jackson at it again - Jenna 6 - bidness as usual

by BizzyBee 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • jeeprube
    Not all black men are thugs. My husband is not a thug and nor are my three boys.

    I couldn't agree more! It's the 21st century people, we don't hang nooses from trees just because we don't like somebody. However, I do disagree with "several" kids ganging up on one kid, doesn't seem like a fair fight to me.

    I do feel like someone who would hang a noose from a tree in response to a black/white issue deserves an a$$ kicking, just not by 6 dudes.

  • ronin1

    This white boy that was beaten (supposedly so bad, but then went to a function afterwards) was taunting and saying racial slurs to these boys and others.

    It is also true that the DA just pick out these boys, one of them was not even involved in the fight and the DA did not care.

    I hope the DA, the judge, and the original defense attorney for Michael Bell are all disciplined.

    They are all a disgrace to our justice system.

  • yknot

    Whoa yall,

    Let's consider this. While there still is pre-intergration racial division in Louisiana (anyone who has visited or lives near this state knows that they consider it their business and to butt out). all of these people choose to live and raise their children in this kind of town, this kind of culture. I think that says a lot about the entire population of Jena.

    Further this blog is suppose to be about Sharpton and Jackson and the fact that majority of the general public consider these two to be a hinderance and bafoons of their own making. Why? It seems that anything these two attach their names to automatically becomes a "its racism" issue. Why is it always a case of racism to them? Was it really a matter of racism in the Duke team thing? NO but thanks to Sharpton and Jackson it was made one. Was Imus really a case of racism or some old guy trying to look hip? I think and most would agree it was the latter. And thanks to Sharpton he lost his job for speaking in a slang that has been glamorized and heard daily on MTV and BET and in general by the entertainment industry. Jackson and the "ebonics" debacle and he recently accused Sen. Obama of "acting white" which he meant as a racist slur! Since none of us seem to be able to get the 911 on young Bell's records we are all jumping to uninformed conclusions about the fairness of his sentence. (though I have stated before and I stand by the idea of a community healing and forgiveness with the Jena 6's parents paying for the medical bills incurred as a result of this beating)

    One post already stated the noose thing was common on the school ground for other purposes (pep ralley) and that the FBI investigated. The principle tried to expel and the school board voted against it. They suspects were suspended.

    I am disappointed in some who are blogging this topic creating a us/ them thing. Hello this is a site for JW's and is likely we all have experienced discrimination if not outright hatred. If we divide ourselve here on this site racially then we are no better then the very people we are discussing (and sad to say JUDGING when the only facts we have are limited).



  • mrsjones5
    If we divide ourselve here on this site racially then we are no better then the very people we are discussing (and sad to say JUDGING when the only facts we have are limited).

    I don't know if you were directing this toward me or someone else but I'm gonna chime in on it anyway. I am not dividing myself along racial lines on this thread or this board. I am only stating my personal experiences. Is that ok?

    Oh and I did say something about Jackson and Sharpton. I'm not too fond of either.


  • uwishufish

    Back to JJ. Does anyone here remember when he advocated Ebonics being taught in public schools? This occured approximtly 8 yrs ago.

  • yknot


    I appreciate your perspective in this matter. I was merely reminding allofus of the danger that some of us were heading toward.

    Much Love


  • yknot


    The "Ebonics" thing was an attempt to gain more money for a veryvery run down school in Oakland, CA. The argument was that more tax money went to schools that had large amounts of students in ESL classes (Spanish, Korean, etc) so if "Ebonics" was classified as a second language the school could recieve more funds for material, teachers and repairs.I visited the school myself after the controversy and it was in deplorable condition. I would not send my kids or suggest anyone else kids to it, the celling had collapsed in many of the rooms. VERY VERY BAD!

    I do feel that Jesse Jackson made an adze of himself over this. (it is this behavior that has caused this thread) He should of said, "Hey the celling is falling! and the state of California and the city of Oakland should be ashamed of itself" He should have admonished the "black" community of Oakland for not promoting Standard English and encouraged them to end this vicious cycle of ignorance and under-education. He should have promoted the ideas of empowerment through education and change.

  • mrsjones5

    My kids use to be in the Oakland School District for a very short time, my oldest attended until he was in the third grade and my daughter had just started kindergarten when we moved to Indiana. When I took my children to the new school they were to attend here in Indiana I wanted to fall down and kiss the floor of the school. The first parent night at that school was a zoo, in sharp contrast to the lack of parental involvement to the old school in Oakland.

    The Ebonics issue was a damn joke, I wanted to slap some sense into the idiots who proposed such a stupid idea and I felt that if it had been allowed to go forward it would not have helped the dismal reading and math scores coming out of that district but only lead them further down the toilet.

    I am so glad I got my kids out of the hellhole of the Oakland School District.


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