You've Gotta Own it Baby.......

by AllTimeJeff 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nvrgnbk
  • shell69

    Thanks guys,

    Very emotive lyrics. The words are not mine



    You are so right about "owning it".

    I "owned it" as a JW, even though I was wrong, I didn't care what anyone thought.

    I love the person I am and I "own" the apostate label and wear it with pride. I am unique and a little off the wall in many ways and I love that. We should be proud of what makes us individuals.

    Johnny does 9" nails, gotta love THAT. U-2's "One" definitely a favorite.


  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    Great post. I've been going through a rough patch and it's a reminder I needed. I'm entering a space where I once again feel comfortable in my own skin. Thanks for sharing your thoughts AllTimeJeff.

    tall penguin

  • IP_SEC

    Right on Jeff.

  • pixie corpse
    pixie corpse
    And there are times I want to get bitter over opportunities that I missed, but I can also tell you that I have been forged through fire. I am sure that is true for all of us.....

    So true. Excellent post!

    I sometimes WANT to be bitter also, about the fact I was coherced to go pioneer instead of going on at school. I know I could have been anything I wanted to be and it really upsets me sometimes. But we ARE all forged through fire and as my dear friends assure me, I am so much stronger for it. They admit they couldn't have done it. I mean by that...grow up as a a JW for a start and secondly have the courage to leave.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I would like to own who I am but, I fell into a burning ring of fire- and it burns, burns, burns.

    What I mean in my own way of ripping off J.C., is that I am limited in how much I can reveal
    who I am. I do so as much as possible, but hold back for the wife and mother who are
    still caught in the cult.

    Many here are in worse situations than me. They have to walk the line between apostate
    and JW to keep a situation from getting the best of them.

    I agree with you in principle. Just wanted to say there were reasons why some can't apply it.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Dude, you don't need to apologize. You love your family. Enough said. I bet it is hell. I hope we can help you through it. Even if you can't come out right now, you can still own all that has happened, and accept what can't change right now....

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