November Watchtower - FDS 144,000... What are they up to ?

by AlphaOmega 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • logic

    Understanding deep things redquires study but only use our literature. Sounds like a dog chasing his tail to me. I have always thought stuff the wts comes up with just never made any sense, but with the pure crap they are comming up with now makes the old stuff look good. I think the people in charge up there have gone completely off the deep end now

  • greendawn

    They no longer have someone like Fred Franz who had a talent for writing a great deal of stuff that appeared of high quality but was in fact worthless. After he died they have gone adrift, it serves them right for being so greedy and arrogant.

  • oompa

    What Bible texts prove that this understanding is correct? Might Jesus have referred in a general sense to any Christian who builds up his brothers with spiritual nourishment?
    Are they hinting that the FDS could be anyone that is upbuilding - or are they ruling it out ?

    You had me so excited with paragraph 12, but paragraph 13 does answer the question as to whether the FDS could be any ones other than the anointed. They answer NO. But I did not see any Bible texts that prove anything about the spooky slave parable.


  • Ri

    The Day of the Kool-Aid is almost here.....only the small group left will participate...everyone else will run for the safety of the jungle.

    Meaning, the WTS is putting a noose around their neck with their control tactics. JWs will start to leave in droves once they realize what is going on with the Crooklyns.

  • garybuss
    3 Why do we need to understand those "deep things"? Understanding not only what we believe but why we believe it - the underlying reasons for our beliefs - strengthens our faith and confidence.

    What's wrong with this? My beliefs are a PRODUCT of WHY I believe. I sure as heck don't have to understand what I believe or understand WHY I believe it. That's ridiculous!

    What the magazine is saying is "You have to understand what we tell you that you MUST believe and be able to parrot our justifications. You WILL agree with us!"

    Understand WHAT we believe and WHY we believe it? What a crock!

  • heathen

    Yah right . strengthens our faith and confidence whenever they change it constantly and most can't memorize what all the changes are . The only thing you can be sure of is that they will change it again . There must be some serious changes coming up after this type of article .

  • journey-on

    My dear JWD friends:

    Next year is going to be AWESOME! We are going to witness some of the most hilarious scriptural contortions a dying cult can make!

    They are laying the ground work issues in advance, such as the words below:

    anointed ones living on earth at any given time

    BIG CHANGES are coming. They will try to keep us from finding out their "deeper things", but it won't work. Those of you still participating in the meetings are needed right now, imo, to keep the rest informed as to what sinister things the WT Society has in store for our loved ones still trapped in it. I, for one, am grateful that you suck it up and endure the crapola sessions week after week in order to expose them. Hopefully you will be blessed with the privilege of seeing this organization sink in its own unholy mire and muck.

  • bob1999

    Reading on page 28 of the Watchtower Nov 1 2007

    "6 How does God's spirit "into all things, even the deep things of God?"Rather than get each Christian a separate revelation, Jehovah uses His spirit to direct His organization, which provides God's unified people with an understanding of the Bible."

    In Hebrews 8:10 where Paul quotes Jeremiah 31:33 "......I will put my laws into THEIR minds, and write them on THEIR hearts....."

    This sounds like the Spirit is going to work on each, separate, individual. Does it not?

  • AlphaOmega

    Bob1999... You are spot on. Not forgetting Joel :

    Joel 2:28-29 CEV


    Later, I will give my Spirit to everyone. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will have dreams, and your young men will see visions.


    In those days I will even give my Spirit to my servants, both men and women.

    Uh oh... formatting is stuck !


    You had me so excited with paragraph 12, but paragraph 13 does answer the question as to whether the FDS could be any ones other than the anointed. They answer NO. But I did not see any Bible texts that prove anything about the spooky slave parable.


    Sorry for getting your hopes up Paragraph 13 does rule it out (but in their usual waffly way).

    Just as all members of ancient Israel formed one "servant," so also all anointed Christians on earth at any one time form one "faithful and discreet slave."

    ...but then with the relaxing of the 1935 doctrine, anyone is now allowed to be anointed (and not to be questioned about it). It's almost circular logic !

  • Metamorphosis

    Reading paragraph 13 makes it clear they consider only the surviving annointed FDSC worthy.

    13 God told the nation of Israel: "You are my witnesses . . . even my servant whom I have chosen." (Isaiah 43:10) But on Nisan 11 of the year 33 C.E., Jesus told the leaders of Israel that God had rejected their nation from being His servant. He said: "The kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits." Jesus said to the crowds: "Look! Your house is abandoned to you." (Matthew 21:43; 23:38) As Jehovah's slave, the house of Israel was neither faithful nor discreet. (Isaiah 29:13, 14) Later that same day, when Jesus asked: "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave?" he was in effect asking, 'What discreet
    nation will replace Israel to be God's faithful slave?' The apostle Peter gave the answer when he told the congregation of anointed Christians: "You are ... 'a holy na-
    tion, a people for special possession.'" (1 Peter 1:4; 2:9) That spiritual nation, "the Israel of God," became Jehovah's new slave. (Gala-tians 6:16) Just as all members of ancient Israel formed one "servant," so also all anointed Christians on earth at any one time form one "faithful and discreet slave." What a privilege it is for us to receive "food" through God's slave!

    What's interesting is that to do so they jump from Isaiah to Matthew to 1 Peter to Galations to try to do so. Just another example of grabbing scriptures at whim to back any point they want to. Just because Isaiah referred to a "servant" and then Jesus made a parable about a faithful slave doesn't mean they have to be connected.


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