WTBTS Now hinting at having LARGE families?????

by annalice 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    And, of course, the biggest "Scriptural" sanction for putting off having children is the lovely words of the Apostle Paul: "Let those with wives be as those without wives...etc". Nice one Paul; love your example of one-eyed devotion to beliefs. Not.


    One of the goals set for each family member is to read all articles in the Watchtower and Awake! magazines. Recently, they added daily Bible reading to their routine. By talking about what they read, family members encourage one another to continue the habit.

    How nice - they even added reading the Bible to their routine, now that's spiritual.

  • flipper

    Well, hey I guess it makes sense to them , that if all 6,994,000,000 of the rest of us are gonna get destroyed at the big ARMAGEDDON ( oh, I'm scared, not ) then they better start jumping each other like bunnies, because that's a hell of a lot of earth to fill up. Last I checked, this planet is pretty big. Who knows ? In thirty years a damned big asteroid might hit and destroy the planet anyway . LOL. At least the witnesses will have finally been able to have lots of sex


    What a turn around..More WBT$ bullsh*t...OUTLAW

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    whoops; so sorry, dont know how my post happened three times!!! EEEK! not too good with this pc lark!

    Black Swan; Howya doin?


    Eh pc's can do funny things sometimes

    Doin' well shell

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    Reading this thread made me think of when Prince and I found out we were expecting a baby - Prince phoned my Mom and I phoned his. My mom just said I can't believe you are bringing a child into this sytem of things, and Prince's Mom burst into tears of joy! Prince DB was absolutely stunned by my mother's reaction. She called me the next day to say she was excited about being a granny but it is so cruel to bring kids into this world, especially if they are not going to brought up in the truth.

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