OMG! OMG! OMG! My DAD has the Sept KM QB part!! We have been....

by oompa 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • oompa

    e-mailing back and forth for days about the QB, and he only told me today that he had not even noticed anything new or different about this material until I had brought it up. He says it would be "absurd" to think the FDS mean all literature and web sites other than the WT ones are not to be used for ANYTHING, but that the context of the article needs to be taken into consideration. That the context is key. He does not know why the FDS use the term "endorse" when they have never been known for endorsing anything before.

    I pressed him on the "any literature" point, and he does not understand why the phrase is used, but he is OK with it since he feels that means IF the literature or web sites are being used for Spiritual Edification. In other words, for spiritual information, we should use only WT material. He does not expect anyone to ask questions about exactly what literature is not endorsed, and that the Society is not about to start a list.

    However, he did say he will use Britianiaca Encly, or Josephus writings anytime he pleases with a clear conscience and that of course just because the FDS does not endorse something, it does not mean we cant use it.

    I stressed that after answering the question about these "groups" that it seems to clearly state FDS recommend "our" stuff for Bible study and they do not "endorse ANY" other materials not "our" stuff. I pointed out that prior to this FDS always said to avoid apostate material, not all other materials, and he agreed with this. He also sternly told me that the KM is only for those that accept the ORG and the FDS as Gods channel of communication (thus telling me to pretty much shut up).

    my meeting is tomorrow, his is thursday...make both?....oompa

  • OnTheWayOut

    There will be a few elders that mention that they will use outside sources on their own,
    but the vast majority will be afraid to say anything but, "The slave gives us all we need."

    I can't wait to hear from those that attended this meeting- how it went.

  • zack

    I am so glad I don't have to hear the crap anymore.

    Good luck.

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    I'll be usual.

    Our PO is scheduled to deliver this part. His is sort of a "rebel" JW. Rebel in the sense that he doesn't enforce WT policy as other typical elders do. He tends to let things slide. He also gets counseled regularly by the CO during his bi-annual visits, so I've heard from the other elders. Nonetheless, he still is a company man.

    I'm curious as to how he develops this material.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • ldrnomo

    I too was the PO and a rebel. He may have scheduled this part for himself so he could tone it down and not make it sound so facist, I had done this in the past. Maybe he's not really a company man but a man who is confused but still commited to the society.

    Let me know how it goes

  • fresia

    I wasnt' going to go tonight but seeing it is the question box coverage I will.

    Be interesting who takes the talk in ours, would laugh if it was my BSO he is a knowledge fanatic, but a real society man.

  • monophonic

    a friend of mine gave a talk in another hall and stressed how higher education is important and had it all backed up with wtbts publications, you know, the ones that flip flop back and forth, and the whole elder body asked him into the back room after he gave the talk and drilled him about exactly where he got his information.

    he had an answer and could back up his whole public talk and they backed off.

    here here, i'm so glad i don't subject myself to that crap anymore and the only reason i have to think about it is b/c i have family still 'in' who i like to reason with in the hopes they clear out and also so they absolutely understand why i'm long gone.

  • moshe

    Pretty soon, the newspaper will be off limits, too when the stories come out exposing the WT pedophilia payouts-ie-hush money.

  • Scully

    Well, as the former Quotes website and other sites containing mirrored content of the Quotes site was able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, "our" literature is all that is necessary to turn a JW into an exJW.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Someone that attends that meeting should ask during the comments if old Watchtowers can be used then? Then make a few points that show how 'apostate' Russel and crew were then [according to today's standards]. It might also be appropo to ask if it would be acceptable to believe what Russell believed too, since it obviously got Jesus' approval then. Does God change?

    Why not?

    I would - except that I am DA'd now and I don't like to puke on carpetted floors.


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