Mr. Flipper's Son Hears and Sees Bigfoot- I'm Serious, Not Joking

by flipper 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • Spectre

    I've seen Bigfoot. It was around the same northern California area. My grandparents took me on a fishing trip up on the Klamath river when I was about 12 or so. I was walking down to where my grandfather was fishing, I got lost, I looked up the side of the hill that I was on and there he was about 100 feet away.

  • flipper

    BUMBLE BEE- Thanks for posting the sign. Shows the bigfoot is legit! Even have crossings for em'.

    SPECTRE- I'm sure that was very terrifying for you as a 12 year old seeing this animal. A lot of sightings have occurred in the Klamath river area. Thanks for having the courage to share your experience

  • Spectre

    Not really. I was looking at him, he was looking at me. Then he just walked off.

  • JWdaughter

    I believe you Mr. Flipper!I live in the PNW and know a lot of hunter/hiker types. It being discussed on Coast to Coast doesn't add to its credibility to me, but I allow for all kinds of possibilities. Our fave fam movie a few years back was Harry and the Hendersons :) Which is not to say that we believe because of it, but that it tickled our sense of the possibilities (that I have believed in since I was a kid.) Proof would be fun, but some mysteries in life are fun!

    I hope you have a great trip no matter what.


  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    Hiker being followed by Bigfoot.

  • Barbie Doll
  • fedorE

    YOur son sounds like he just hit the jackpot with this project ...not only is it fun its work! Cant beat it!

  • flipper

    JW DAUGHTER- Shelly, thanks for your post and support. You would be staggered by the accounts of people I have read seeing or hearing this animal on the Bigfoot Researchers Report Organization and their eerie experiences over the last 5 to 15 years just in 4 counties in Northern California, everywhere from Lake Tahoe region up to the Northern Sierra and Cascade mountains. Believe me, some of the 50 to 60 incidents are recorded in such irrefutable detail , they could not have been made up. Just reading some of these eerie experiences people went through makes your skin crawl !

    Yes, I loved watching that movie," Harry and the Henderson's ". Still have it. When my daughter was 2 years old in 1989, she used to always say to me, " Daddy, can we watch Harry and the Hen Hen's ? " I would totally smile cracking up and say yes we can watch Harry and the Hen Hen's. Still joke with her about it to this day. She is 20 now. It was so cute. Peace, Mr. Flipper

    BARBIE DOLL- Those signs are so cute. Thanks for posting them ! Hilarious !

    FEDOR E.- Yes, my son will certainly be in his element this weekend. Wish I could join him, but Mrs. Flipper and I will go in early October to the sighting spot where he saw the animal. I told my son, " You better come back alive and in one piece. " Told him to call me Sunday night when he gets back. Part of where him and his girlfriend are hiking is a valley that streches up from the river canyon floor and there is no trail in this canyon. They are making their base camp on the river canyon floor, the trail goes there, just not up the canyon they are hiking after that. Pretty remote ! I trust him though, smart young man. Good head on his shoulders. He really is not a daredevil, or takes chances, just explorer blood in him from his old man, he'll make it

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