What Things Would You Not Have Done As A JW That You Would Do Now?

by minimus 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    As Witnesses, we were very concerned that we might offend somebody's conscience and our actions reflected that. If someone might've been "stumbled" by our actions or speech, we would make sure we would do everything possible to not upset another fellow brother or sister.

    I would not have gone to an "R" rated movie. Now, I go to any rated or unrated movie because I don't give a sh*t what smeone might feel over my choice.

    What things are you free to do without worrying that someone might be disturbed over it??

  • nvrgnbk

    Goose minimus.

  • sweetstuff

    Go dancing to a bar.

    Wear what I want.

    Think what I want.

    Visit a sex shop with no guilt.

    Celebrate the holidays.

    Tell my kids they can be anything and encourage them to get an education.


    I want to learn to belly dance.

  • bigdreaux

    i give blood, and am an organ donor.

    everything else, i did even though i was a witness

  • Hermano

    Grow out my beard.

    Work some overtime.

  • sweetstuff

    I want to learn to belly dance.

    Bellydancing rocks Awake, I took a class and loved it!

  • Hermano

    I just remembered how my dad one day told me I should go in field service on Saturday and Sunday mornings to support the group. -- I was a freaking regular pioneer and I did my time during the work week. But that wasn't good enough, the brothers had to see that I was going out in field service and supporting the arrangement. My dad was the PO, btw. Boy that memory just pissed me off!!!!

  • Mary

    Get an education

    Accept a blood transfusion

  • sweetface2233

    Smoke weed, wait a sec, did that as a JW...pre-marital sex, no wait, did that as a JW, too...get a tattoo...hmmm, I'm 0 for 3.

    Let's try this...read the BIble, that's something I never did as a JW!

    Seriously, I want to give blood. I wasn't aware that you couldn't give blood w/in a year of getting a tattoo or piercing, so it will be a while before I can do that. Something to look forward to!

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