Is there a site for fading JWs who remain non-trinitarian Christians?

by deborahs_song 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • deborahs_song

    If you know of one we would truly appreciate the link.

    Thank you,

    Deborah and family

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I have not fully shed the non-trinitarian theology as of yet - but I am becoming more convinced of it's immaterial nature in Christianity.

    If I could ask - why does worship of God have to revolve around what we believe the nature of God's being to be? Just curious. If God has billions of people sitting at his feet in adoration, does he look down and condemn those who suppose that the orthodox view of Him is worthy of death, and the unorthodox view is good for life?

    These are the sort of questions that fill my mind when I contemplate the matter now.


  • choosing life
    choosing life Here is a sight that someone gave me. I like it a lot. It is a site about universalism too, not just unitarian, as you are asking about.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I think the thing you are asking for is too narrow to really find on the internet.
    There wouldn't be much of an interest, nor much money in ads on such a
    site. Perhaps some former JW non-triitarian runs a site for discussion without
    worry about numbers of people.

    I would say you need to go to the actual site of a non-trinitarian group that you
    find acceptable to search for any former JW's, or to just enjoy the upbuilding
    discussions from like-minded ones.

    I know that the belief of a non-Trinitarian is that of a Unitarian. Unfortunately
    for you, the Unitarians embraced the Universalists and they allow virtually any
    belief within their rank. Still, that might be the place to start looking.

    OR you can stay here. Everybody is welcome, although we don't specialize
    in what you want. At least we embrace you.

  • deborahs_song


    Truth is important! Many adopted children are not satisfied just knowing their adoptive parents they want, or need, to know their birth parents. So also as a Christian, who is my true parent? Jesus was a Jew, he worshipped the God of Abraham. Never did he promote himself as being equal to God. The trinitarian doctrine is not only an insult to the Almighty but it also insults the Son who spent his life glorifing the Father!

    I believe in letting Jesus' words speak for themselves.


  • changeling

    You are missing the forest for the trees! You are focusing on a detail when you need to see that now that you are free to think for yourself there is so much out there to learn and experience.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Atheists are by definition non-trinitarian! Welcome!

  • deborahs_song

    Nathan Natas,

    You made me laugh!

    Thank you so much, "non-trinitarian" brother!


  • steve2

    The best site is in your local well-stocked supermarket, aisle number five marked Assorted Gods. Between the multiple varieties of Trinitarian food mixes and multiple NonTrinitarian food mixes is a newly emerging product range, Gods for Various Super Sensitive Tastes.

    There's bound to be a product in this new range to meet your very specific needs.

    If there isn't a specific item tocater for your needs, directly contact your supermarket's local manufacturer who is available 24/7 via prayer.

    A warning: Answers can sometimes be a bit vague but in these hugely competitive times for the food industry, having a plan B is essential: provide feedback to the supermarket. If your exact brand of God is not available, complain loudly and at length. No self-respecting supermarket wants to fail to meet customers exact God requirements.

    Happy shopping.

  • AudeSapere

    Hi Deborah -

    you wrote: Truth is important!

    It's important. But I'm getting to the point where I believe that some things are either not to be known or not necessarily needed to be known. Or maybe just don't need to be known by me (or us) right now.

    Your children do not need to know every personal detail about you, your body and your history. They have a very good sense of who you are and what you stand for. And they love you just the same.

    Sometimes we get to searching so deeply in one area that we miss out on whole opportunities that are right before us.

    Please simply consider that you might be hyper-focused right now on something that is less-important than what really needs your attention.

    Another thought that comes to my mind - and maybe this has no significance for you but it did and does for me - is a question I asked of my intense, hard-core dub roommate about 20+ years ago. We were getting ready to go out in service and I guess one of the mags was abou the trinity. My question to her was: Why do people *care* so much about the trinity and make such a big deal about it?? Her answer: "They don't. We are the ones making it a big deal."

    Just thought I'd share. It was a very long time ago and I consider myself agnostic at the moment. But it was an interesting insight from a very loyal and active witness.

    Best wishes for a successful search and fade.

    -Denise aka Aude Sapere (Latin for: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself.)

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