ancient ruins

by crazyguy1 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Ah Fiddler! my fellow fan of Gobekli Tepe... At the mention of ancient dates for mankind...whether the dating method is applicable or not... JWs trot out “carbon 14” like Pavlov’s their minds meaning to say “carbon 14 is a flawed dating method and therefore whatever we believe cannot be disproved by science."

    They put the cart of belief before the horse of evidence.

  • Phizzy

    " whatever we believe cannot be disproved by science.".  Of course, that is not true, as we here know, but that is the way the ill-informed JW thinks.

    Science has, coincidently,  disproved much of the JW nonsense, and of course, as you rightly say, the onus is upon them to prove their beliefs, not for Science to disprove them.

    As to Carbon 14 dating, which is as stated above, one method of many, it is very accurate up to a certain point, from memory 16,000 years, from there to about 40,000 a correction has to be made to the result, but after that calculation, C14 dating agrees with other methods.

    It is far from a discredited method, and is spot on within the parameters the JW's are looking.

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