Mother Teresa doubted God's existence during her last years

by Gregor 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • BizzyBee

    ...and on the parrallel topic, my 2 p worth:

    "As the atheist writer and religion scholar Jacques Berlinerblau recently put it, "Can an atheist or agnostic commentator discuss any aspect of religion for more than 30 seconds without referring to religious people as imbeciles, extremists, mental deficients, fascists, enemies of the common good ... conjure men (or) irrationalists?"

    "The behavior is unbecoming a school of thought that emphasizes rational complex thinking — and that has so much to offer if its practitioners can only live up to their own ideas about the value of an open mind."

    ~Tom Krattenmaker, USA Today

    Complete article here:

    P. S. With all due respect, the believer-bashing that goes on here gets quite tedious in its predictability.

    tedious: so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness; boring, deadening, ho-hum, irksome, tiresome, wearisome, dull, slow

    uninteresting - arousing no interest or attention or curiosity or excitement

  • Gregor

    P. S. With all due respect, the believer-bashing that goes on here gets quite tedious in its predictability.

    Good point. Let's just stick to JW believer bashing. The popularity of this pastime, even for Pubsinger, indicates it apparently isn't "tedious" or predictable at all.

  • joannadandy

    Why is a simply stated difference of opinion always "bashing"?

  • Gregor

    Why is a simply stated difference of opinion always "bashing"? Good observation, Jo! (I assume this was a rhetorical question)

  • Kenneson

    Mother Teresa reminds me of the father in Mark 9:24, who exclaimed: "I do believe; help my unbelief!" Her doubts don't diminish her greatness.

  • BizzyBee

    Why is a simply stated difference of opinion always "bashing"?
    Are you serious? Have you read this thread, or are you just jumping in legs akimbo?

  • BizzyBee
    Why is a simply stated difference of opinion always "bashing"?

    Well, Joanna, differences of opinion are handled by debating the issue at hand, whereas bashing usually attacks the person. So, for example, it would be like me calling you a stupid cow, rather than answering your question.

    From Wiki:

    Bashing is a harsh, gratuitous, predjudicial attack on a person, group or subject. Literally, bashing is a term meaning to hit or, colloquially, to assault but when it is used as a suffix, or in conjunction with a noun indicating the subject being attacked, it is normally used to imply a sense of uncompromising vehemence and bigotry about the assailant.

    Topics which attract bashing tend to be personally sensitive topics for the bashers, the victims or both. They also tend to be highly partisan issues. Common areas include religion, nationality, sexuality, and politics.


    Also, be very careful of using the word, "always"- almost 'always' a mistake.

  • joannadandy

    Ahh - I see, thanks for enlightening me. I had no idea "bashing" - was attacking the person.

    So an example of bashing would be someone calling someone a cow? Or insuating they are sexually promiscious when they simply ask a question? That's bashing right? I mean I am new to this whole concept so any insight you could provide would be most helpful. Perhaps another cut and paste to a Wiki article is in order?

    Kiss kiss, hug hug, much Christian love and all that.

  • BizzyBee
    Ahh - I see, thanks for enlightening me. I had no idea "bashing" - was attacking the person.

    You're welcome. You asked the question:

    Why is a simply stated difference of opinion always "bashing"?

    I answered. Nothing personal at all.

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