new september 2007 Kingdom Ministry Qbox

by patientbrother 43 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Just a comment on sacrebleu's comment on letting pedophiles go door to door, instead the Catholic church allows pedophile priests to remain in charge of the altar boys and girls, and teach them the concepts of the church. And then when they are found out, merely transfer them to a new parish to continue the deed. is a group that is combatting clergy sexual abuse. It would be educational to see that the Catholic church despite the publicity is not changing its policies.

  • molybdenum

    Hi there Some have found this information useful. I hope you can take a look at it

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Patient Bro, Welcome to the board!!

    I can also relate to your situation as I have a wife that is not about to leave and pretty much my entire social circle is in. I still go to meetings and outside some brief discussions with my wife, no one realizes that I no longer believe the WTS is Jah's organization.

    The Sept KM is really just the tip of the iceberg. There's the sexual abuse scandle, the UN relationship of 9 years, the whole 1914 doctrine, conflicting messages on blood, lack of caring congregations. All that stuff adds up. The more you read and research, the sicker you will feel. But, knowing the "truth about the truth" is better than just ignoring the facts. You will be in for an emotional ride.

    Being able to vent here has been a vaulable resource for me and I'm sure it will be for you.

    Look forward to your comments!

  • WTWizard

    This topic is heavily discussed for a reason. It is true that Paul urged people to test out the religion to make sure it was the truth, examining the scriptures, and cross-referencing things to make sure they are really scriptural. This includes independent Bible discussion groups (if the religion was based on scripture, such study groups would reinforce it, not destroy it). And now the Puketower Society wants people to not do this. They are effectively banning independent Bible discussion groups and cross-examining the religion using outside sources. If this isn't a blatant disregard for the Bible they claim to be following, I don't know what it is.

  • BluesBrother

    Welcome to the board , Patient Bro..

    I too have a wife that is an active dub. I am "inactive" , I do attend with her sometimes and remain on good terms with the Witnesses. Would I not love to jump up and shout out the real truth!!! , but for the sake of family , I do not,

    I had to come off eldership, that was not easy without revealing my true motive, but I did it. What I am saying is that many of us understand your dilemma . It is easy for the unattached to say "just tell 'em to go to hell!" but family is important .

    You will work it out and it will get better, there is no going back once your eyes are opened

  • BizzyBee


    Welcome to the forum!

    I looked up your link - a pro-JW website that says:

    Many among Jehovah's people have become upset, perhaps even stumbled, over the recent developments and revelations of wrongdoing and errors in the conduct and teachings of those who have been looked up to as leaders in the organization. Many, because of their "righteous indignation," feel that these sins and errors should be exposed. In this they believe they have Jesus as an example. What do you think? Should we publicize "the sins" of God's people? ( Isaiah 59:2 )

    What matters to Jehovah most is our faith and obedience . ( Heb. 11:6 ; 1 Sam. 15:22,23 ; 1 John 5:3 )

    Apparently, this is referring to faith and obedience to the organization. I'm sorry, but 'wrongdoing and errors in conduct and teachings' doesn't leave much to be faithful and obedient to. I would think that the Almighty Creator of the universe would be more concerned with the truth and accuracy of teachings about Him and exemplary conduct on the part of those who profess to be following Him. I cannot imagine that He would want us to be blindly faithful and obedient to wrongdoers who teach errors and conduct themselves so as to bring reproach from within and without.

    With all due respect, this admonition makes God out to be a fool - which I don't believe He is. Yes, just as Jesus exposed the hypocritical religious leaders of his day, we must expose the false leaders in our day.

    Again, welcome to the forum, and I look forward to your response.

  • stillajwexelder

    welcome to the forum

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Patient Brother,

    WELCOME to the forum!! We are happy to have you here!! Yes, the September KM was most shocking!! It is a desperate attempt to keep the friends from finding out many things they want to keep hidden. It doesn't take much research to open "pandoras box"! I hope you stick around!


    Lady Liberty

  • patientbrother

    It's very nice to meet the new faces here and to also hear the voices of those that are still on the inside as well, like myself. The hard part for some of us , especially the ones who give deep comments , because they still have a love for their heavenly father is that the elders take notice,. Out in service they will constantly ask why am I not serving. In all truthfulness Brothers and Sisters, I like you ,believe this is just the beginning, this new KM the NGO scandal the tight grip the society is keeping on it's members , alot of people are asking questions now , every one has the internet, I have a October 1st 1968 Awake magazine I keep in my bible with me at all times, during our last CO visit I even pulled it out when we were all making car groups in the back and he was asking if any one was offering dated literature I stood next to him and jokingly pulled the magazine out and said I was going to offer that, he kind of jokingly said " wow that's going back a ways". I told him that alot of the very old publications were available on ebay, and that I had been outbid on a pink song book that I wanted so badly, my underlying point to him being that , millions upon millions of witnesses had unbridled access to the internet, and they were making use of it. with the societies new KM Q-box this shows I believe a split that is occurring at Bethel , who do you think it was that finally got up and running?(younger Bothers) and then think to yourself who probably fought against the idea,(older Bothers) remember the pharisees did not want to let go of the old mosaic law, they didn't want to recognize the Messiah and the new provisions for life, so today there has begun a tug of war inside of Bethel, thats why I am still in the Kingdom hall Jesus said we were to care for his precious sheep, its our duty to him as our savior , and Brothers you all know that when this split occurs and it will soon, alot of innocent but just blindsided brothers are going to be hurting and that is when people like you and I have the opportunity to show love and compassion to one another just as Jesus demonstrated while on earth. There are going to be so many confused and they are going to need our love. remmember Jesus words at Matthew 24:45-51 notice he specifically says but if ever that evil slave shoud say in his heart " my master is delaying". and then read verse 51 and you cannot help but be fearful, these brothers of ours GB, DOs COs elders and ministerial servants are going to be held accountable to a greater degree because they had the power to speak out because of their assignments , but please don't give up hope always pray for Jehovah's holy spirit to effect each and every one of them to remember that Jehovah is in charge and it is Jehovah's heavenly kingdom, and that we are subjects and therefore subjected to him. last point , Moses was one of the most faithful humans to ever walk this planet and serve Jehovah, but do not forget that when he sinned by saying what he did when he struck the rock Jehovah did not hold back from punishing him, he didn't look the other way so to speak, but remember who lead Isreal into the promised land? it was a young man weve all read about Joshua who had a heart that truly loved his heavenly father and older ones dont forget his companion Kaleb even though he was alot older than Joshua he served in a very important duty, he gave Joshua sound advice , So don't be discouraged when you think back to all the years and you begin to see the evil slave showing himself, rather like we have been told all along gird up the armor that God does provide and and dig in. May Jehovah bless all those who earnestly search for him.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Brothers I absolutely had to join this web site once I saw .....

    Welcome to JWD. I had the same reaction when the subject of Bethel layoffs occurred last year.
    I had already resigned as an elder just before posting, and had already been reading internet sites
    that revealed the real truth.

    Like many posters here, I am inactive, but fading because of family. My wife is active and goes to
    most meetings, and I have a mother in the JW's.

    The internet is the enemy of their version of truth. Even if the website were
    never established, and even if the WTLibrary CD-ROM never happened, most dubs would have the
    internet. Not having their own site would have been worse for curious ones. YOUTUBE is also
    helpful as many curious ones don't see a threat if they aren't "READING" controversial stuff, but
    just viewing things until they know they should not.

    The WTS really doesn't have much choice but to keep discouraging independent research. If they
    ignore the subject, JW's will get braver. This way, the indoctrinated ones keep hearing about the
    dangers and keep their fears. But their heavy hand just makes the young ones curious. I think the
    WTS recognizes this, but figure they will lose the young ones, anyway.

    Your discussion with the C.O. almost guarantees that your name came up with the elders. It isn't
    a big deal to you, I am sure, but he must have mentioned how you carry older literature. It depends
    on what his mindset is whether he said that was a good thing or a bad thing. Just keep in mind that
    you won't win these guys over by revealing things to them. They have to be ready for opening their
    minds on their own. All you can do is peak some curiousity, so be careful- don't try to club anyone
    with the real truth. Peace out Patientbrother.

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