new september 2007 Kingdom Ministry Qbox

by patientbrother 43 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jwfacts

    Welcome. It is great to have you posting. You are in a tough situation and I hope you are able to work out the best way forward with help from this board.

    That KM is absolute proof that the WTS uses mind control, they could not write a clearer example of information control.

  • SirNose586
    Brothers I absolutely had to join this web site once I saw the new KM for this coming month, has any one else had a chance to view this? I'm absolutely flabbergasted for the first time in my life, what about the the apostle paul and the Bereans? didn't he encourage them to go and find out for them selves the truth? didn't they always go home and search in thier own bibles if the things they were being told were from God? this months Kingdom Ministry makes me so mad, and the real clincher is I brought it up while out in service with one of our elders and he got upset, I know now in my heart that this is Jehovahs way of testing out those who claim to be his servants, I hope and pray there is a elder some where out there that feels the same way and isn't one of these spoken of in the bible who eventually begin to Beat Jehovahs sheep and begin to drink with the spiritual drunkards of the world...... If any one needs a copy of the september kingdom ministry ill post one here, for every one.

    First off, welcome to the board, patientbrother! I'm glad that some are still waking up to the realization that something is wrong in the organization. It took a lot of guts to come here. I should know; I was once scared to voice my concerns. And yes, you're absolutely right: we have the capacity to think and reason on subjects, and no human should ever discourage the use of your mind, EVER. If they do, they are trying to control your mind. It's a control I only recently reclaimed. The sad part is, any elder who has also woken up has to make the agonizing choice to step down, or leave. The ones who don't care, or the ones who want to rule the congregation with ham-fisted authority, will do just as you described. It's a lamentable position for any member of the congregation.

    I just have to let those of you who have already left or just become inactive how incredibly hard it is for those of us that are married with lots of family in the kingdom hall, to leave would be to rip a family apart. its so disgusting at times the things I hear, our PO gave a special needs talk recently about not listening to the things we hear about witnesses, I was hoping he would have the courage to speak about the molestation stuff but he didnt, rather it was a 15 minute damage control part. I have book study tonight and I literally get sick to my stomach when we go over the stuff in the revelation book, my only hope is that one day those of us that pointed out stuff like I did when I was a teen ager about the last generation stuff that we will finally breathe a sigh of relief. I know Jehovah is a patient and loving God but I also know that he gets very angry with those who are supposed to be taking the lead and will hold them to a higher standard and they will be accountable. May Jehovah bless those of you who are not bitter but who are also waiting patiently for the day when his house is truly inspected.

    I feel just as you do. My fam is still in, and so are one pair of grandparents. I hate going over the Rev. book, because they all take scriptures and apply it to themselves. It's the very height of presumptuousness, and yet they do it all the time. Call it Jehovah, or a coup, or the law, or a lawsuit, but somehow there needs to be some sort of housecleaning. They're losing their grip on the western lands, and they know it. Stick around, patient. Find out everything you want to know. Check the evidence. But do stick around, it's nice to talk to someone else trapped on the "inside."

  • worf

    Welcome Patient,

    I was a third generation witness and former elder. Been out of the org fairly recently, since 2000. I was an elder for the entire decade of the 1990's.

    I'm glad to see that you can see that the sept 2007 km question box goes directly against the bible and what it says about the Bereans.The scripture about the Bereans is the same scripture the Watchtower Society constantly drilled into us. Now they are going directly against this scripture and their own teaching.

    I'm glad you are taking this seriously.

    The book "Riches", published by the Watchtower Society in 1936 (therefore by President of the Watchtower Society at that time, Joseph Rutherford) says on page 178: " If you find a lie, forsake it regardless of who teaches it; it is your duty to God."

    The Watchtower of March 1st 1966 on page 132 says: "Contrary to what some may think, it is not unkind and unloving to lay bare falsehood and corruption."

    These are the Watchtower Society's own words.

    Oh. And as for the scripture about the Bereans? You can be sure that they will be coming out with "new light" about that scripture soon, even though in reality there is no twisting of that scripture that can be done without lying. It is simple and clear just as it is. But they will attempt to do so in some form or fashion and the article will probably be called: "New Light On The Bereans". Get those sunglasses ready!


  • flipper

    Patient Bro- So glad to hear you are using an open mind to think with. Glad the witnesses didn't succeed in shutting yours. I feel for you my friend, I was raised in it and at 44 , finally got out 4 years ago. I too have a lot of family in. That is why I have faded gradually, so as to still have contact with my parents 82 and 80 who are still in. Just remember , you are doing the right thing, proving it to yourself, all of us on this board had to do that. We are all here for you my friend if you need support or comforting words of help. Just wanted you to know that, Peace to you, Mr. Flipper

  • quietlyleaving

    Hi and welcome patientbrother and sacrebleu

    Lokking forward to getting to know you both.


  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Welcome! I guess they have to keep weeding out the non brain washing type! Gotta a question? do not ask!

    Maybe it is the only way they can make up the evil slave(sheep) class.

    It's darn if you do, and darn if you dont!

    I'm happy to see your here! It's going to be nice to read your bibical post!

  • PinTail

    I am glad they came and printed this like this, maybe it may wake a few more up to the not so subtle anymore, mind control they have. They really are getting sloppy about hiding the proof that they are a cult.

    The modern day Associated Bible Students do not put such sanctions on them selfs like this, um.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    it took me a long time to let go and recognize that the whole premise of "God's Organization" was a fantasy. The things they could get people to do in the name of God's Service. I know its hard to awaken to see that all around you is self deception. I wish you well as your eyes adjust to the light. Welcome here. There are so many level heads on this board that will help keep you from going off the deep end in either direction. As you must know, quite a few have done just exactly what you are doing in your awakening. That Rev book was a load of rubbish for sure! Be patient, it will take its course and you will be grateful you didn't run off and do anything drastic too soon. Use your head. W.Once

  • freeme

    welcome to the board. glad you can see instead of dont think.

    but its so sad that so many who are in are totally blind to that stuff and even think the september km is a loving blessing from god (including my wife who gets upset and calls me a god-hater for showing her scripture which encourages what the WTS discourages).

    since i woke up i feel so disgusted over so many things. the circuit overseer near worshipping. "what a precious special week it is!" "gifts in men - such a blessing". happiness over the sep km. i realized that on the convention nearly nothing was said. it was just three days of guilt, no real bible study, no real help for the faith. at some point it sometimes sounds like they dont even need the bible. its just a little tool on the side. what is refreshing when you're told 3 days not to go for education, dont use the internet, dont have own opinions. dont, dont, dont.

    at least the bible says the truth: they will beat their own brothers. the lost son was welcomed back with a big celebration. dfed once who come back get an judgement by humans and an annoucement where it is forbidden to clap for.

    its so sick.

  • freeme

    about the revelation book. yes it drives me nuts too. and with the sidepaper with the changes its even more annoying. and how wrong it is to read the book without the changes now. lol.

    the rev book does not contain real knowledge. its all the time only:

    1. read small part of scripture
    2. twist the scripture until it applys to the WTS and tell'em
    3. give no proof WHY it means what it means, give no references, give no further insight
    4. next topic

    and NOONE notices it! its incredible always. sitting numb in their seats, reading the paragraph, question, answer almost ín the same words as it is in the paragraph. sometime ago we had a occasional question because a sister found a little contradiction (something with the annointed and some dates). it wasnt answered by the elder - he didnt know. i answered it according to the JW belief in the end (twisted crap, no biblical proof). the elder was happy, next one. there was no proof that that what i answered made any sense at all, but noone questioned it. but this occasion was still the biggest question ive seen in many months. that sister is still able to think a bit.

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