Elder for 30 years, lost privelages due to WT Education policy

by justhuman 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nvrgnbk

    There is no policy or directive from headquarters that I'm aware of, but it is to be quite expected that some individual BOEs would take such a heavy-handed approach, leaning to the ultra-conservative side of things.

    Same goes for COs. Some are liberal. Some are hard-core.

    Very capricious really.

    If there is more than rumor to this, I'd love to see the documentation.

  • Quandary

    Just wait till the 'Members Only" editions of the WT start rolling off the presses. I am sure they will be giving much more "pointed counsel" on the matter of higher education. It will be interesting to see just how far they will take it.


  • flipper

    From all the experiences I read here, it just proves my point I never would have gone from ministerial servant to elder, because I'm too involved trying to get my 22 year old son a good college education. No wonder there are so many "dumb" elders. They never went to college, then their kids don't then the cycle of idiocy just repeats itself through the generations. If the witnesses last until 2100, doubtful, they won't even know how to fill out time slips anymore. Can't write! Oh well, poor babies! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • R6Laser

    This is either a lie or a gross exaggeration of the facts of why the elder lost his privileges. I personally know an elder who sent his 3 kids to college. His oldest son even went to an out of state university and stayed in dorms. Not only that once his son got back and graduated from the University he was appointed as a ministerial servant.

  • SirNose586

    I don't believe the OP's rumor. But I do know that if you get your education and you're not a super-dub, people look down on you (for the youngin's).

    I still remember my bible highlights where I said it was okay to have higher education--though not in that same phrasing. It was dead silent and no one congratulated me after the talk.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle
    Who is going to run the meetings? Bring back the sister swith the doilys on their heads?

    LOL. Doilys on their heads...very funny.

  • changeling

    I can only hope this is true. It would be another nail in their coffin.


  • WTWizard

    Another example of where something can be a different level offense depending on who is in charge. Going to college is currently frowned on by the Tower, and Ted Jaracz is doing his best to get the hounder-hounders to start banning college among those with "privileges" by taking "privileges" away for letting the children go to college. Other hounder-hounders aren't quite as strict, and have not yet carried it to this level.

    If anyone has never seen this happen, just wait until either the new Kool-Aid Puketower comes out with a "more pointed" article banning college (and maybe even disfellowshipping any who dares go to college or supports it), or they get a new hounder-hounder that cracks down on it. This is often the case of these rules: some might just frown on it and discourage it; others might revoke "privileges". And some might be waiting for the opportunity to disfellowship people for going to college. It all depends on who's in charge in your area, and it could get a lot worse if the Kool-Aid has an article banning it totally.

  • fresia

    I think they mean uni as it has a campas atmosphere and political, and own walk and talk so to speak. They mentioned at the district assembly it wasn't advised to send to higher education they didn't put taff down but mentioned uni a few times.

  • Es

    OMG it just gets worse and worse doesnt it.

    I remember over hearing my elder dad state that if any brother missed a Sunday meeting due to a big night the night before he would never ever be considered for a MS or elder's position!


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