I'm sick of "the truth"

by exwitless 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Apostate Kate2
    Apostate Kate2

    OOoooh the looks people used to give me when we first started dating.

    You could tell they were thinking "You sick, dirty, old man".

    LOL you robbed the cradle eh? I'm not sure what people really think when they see us, niether of us could give a rats a** anyway. We have an awesome marriage and it took me years to find such a gentle hearted man that was more than capable. In fact I had given up on even looking for 5 years before we met. He is more of a man that any man I've ever met. He does things that continue to amaze me.

    He is finishing up a 14x14 custom room on the house. He did everything all by himself. People come in and wonder how in the heck he got the drywall up on the vaulted ceiling. He has a surgery room table he was given from a job once and he uses it for moving lots of stuff. He uses leverage in many ways. He's a stud.

  • changeling

    Personally, I don't think there is an "absolute" truth. And anyone who claims to have it is nuts.


  • exwitless

    OOoooh the looks people used to give me when we first started dating.

    You could tell they were thinking "You sick, dirty, old man".

    Yeah, and especially when I was pregnant! People would look at me, then at LDB, and back at me, like "You poor little girl. Did he do this to you?" I wanted to wear a sign announcing my age so people would stop staring. I was 23 when I was pregnant, and most people guessed at that time that I looked 14. No joke. So no wonder they stared.

    Now I'm 33 and people guess that I'm about 24. It's true what they told me when I was younger: 'When you're older, you'll appreciate how young you look.'

    So I guess that makes an 8 inch difference for us, and 14 for you. Does it ever get in your way?

    Nope. We can do anything together just like other couples!!

  • exwitless

    And getting back to the subject:

    You are sick of it because it is somebody else's truth and not your own.

    Instead of accepting anyone else's truth, why not throw out all ideas and start over.

    Decide for yourself what is important to you and what is not.

    You will not be "sick" of your own quest. For it will be ever changing and interesting to you.

    As you ponder and come to new realizations you will gain greater insight into everything!

    That's exactly where I'm at. I just don't agree with the idea that there is even "a truth" out there to be found. Life is what it is. I'm enjoying it every day.

  • educ8self

    This is in reply to the original post because.. I just don't care enough about the subject to read the rest, sorry guys it's not personal. My thought on this is what if we look at it from the perspective of intellectual property? So what if a group has actually found the answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything? I mean if it were conveyed to you then wouldn't it be "yours", too? It's just a matter of having the information and understanding it essentially, so clearly identifying it with some group of people is rather narrow minded. And one has to wonder: If it is a truth that big that encompasses everything, why would they be so narrow minded as to say it's all them??

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