My Theory

by Princess Daisy Boo 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    Hi everyone

    I have had this theory for a very long time and I would like to hear what everyone has to say about this.

    I think that people are either inherantly religious or not. If they are inherantly religious, then the WTBTS will naturally apeal to them, all the deep in depth study and the bible analysis and so on. They feel the need to look to a higher source for fulfilment.

    And then there are those that are not inherantly religious... the ones the prefer to concentrate on the here and now. That does not make them shallow or anything. For these people, the look to themselves and those around them for fulfilment.

    I personally fall into the latter category. I found all the study and literature and even dare I say, the bible, so very boring and something I could just not get passionate about!

    Any thoughts?


    Princess DB

  • joannadandy

    I'm with you -- never felt the spiritual drive. Not even when I was a kiddie...

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    You may be right. I was always 'drawn' to religious thinking even as a lad. My mother taking up the Jw torch made it perfectly natural for me to continue in that direction in life.

    Even now - though I have a large dose of skepticism now, I still feel a need to associate with religious persons for the most part - though I do not show the JW aberrance of anyone who is not. I mean, I love people of all sorts, but feel the need from time to time to be in a church or setting with religious overtones.


  • unique1
    I found all the study and literature and even dare I say, the bible, so very boring and something I could just not get passionate about!

    That pretty much describes me as well.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Princess DB,

    About a year ago I tried to read the bible, I found it extremely boring. I've always felt that way, nothing about religion was interesting or gave me any profound feelings.

    I'm right there with you on this one!


  • LearningToFly

    Interesting theory! Although I cannot define myself as belonging to any particular belief structure, I do love the hunt for more knowledge, from every angle out there. And very much enjoy the thought process that goes along with this hunt. Many people truly dont care, they are very content to live their life in the moment without taking a look at the greater picture of things, involving religion, history ect. Either or, there is nothing wrong with either type. I'm obviously one of those "need to know" people.. with all the information out there.. most is unproven.. I love to ponder all that which is unproven..


  • looking_glass

    I totally agree. But I think there are categories even w/i the religious v. not religious groups.

    I think for religious JWs they fall into several groups: those who were born into it (and then eventually leave it cause they really belong in your not religious group ... like me); those who are struggling w/ something very heavy (i.e., death, drugs, mental health issues) and those who want to believe that their thinking is always right so in turn there must be a god who thinks this way too. Because not everyone falls into the trap of the JW who preaches at them. So there must be a special hook that grabs them.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I volunteer to be the voice of opposition to the theory.

    Most deeply religious people will oppose the WT literature distributors at
    their door. WTS offers a very different-from-typical appeal to people as
    far as religion goes.

    Your typical cult recruits on college campus because they get young
    energetic people who are in stressful situations. JW's aren't recruiting
    on campus, but they find many in stressful situations as they canvas the
    neighborhoods. More often, they used to find bored housewives, (back in
    the day when they stayed home to care for family) bored elderly folks,
    and many depressed people in all stages of life and situations.

    Stressed people might take the moment to think the solutions offered
    sound good. Depressed people definitely like to hear of solutions.

    The WT appeal goes well for those that have to reduce their dissonance
    that they are intelligent people that messed up some part of their life
    through divorce, unemployment, debt, drugs, health problems, etc.
    The WT message lets them say "I am intelligent, and I did not mess up
    my life. Satan messed up the world, so Satan messed up my life and
    Jehovah will straighten it out."

  • Anti-Christ

    I'm not sure you could only have two categories. I do believe that some people are more religious then others but when I was in, I really did love the research and so on but I always had my own theories and belief. Now I'm more on the non religious side but I'm still a knowledge junkie.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    I think that is an interesting theory. You may be right. I can't say as a kid I was naturally drawn to God. I remember at 6 years old asking my mom when we will be finished studying all the watchtower books. She said In about 1 week we'll finsh this one and then we will start another after that. Then I picked up the biggest fattest most boring book there was that seemed to never go away during any study. It was the Bible. I said mom, " when will we ever be finished this big fat green one. She said never. What a friggin let down.

    I can remember at about the same age studying the great teacher book with my mother and asking how old the bible was. She said " about 3000 years old. I said then why do you want to listen to, and study something someone wrote 3000 years ago." My brothers laughed, and she slapped me across the face.

    Finally one more little anecdote. I remember again, during this very young stage my mother giving me an awful haircut and I protested. She sent me to my room. When my mother sent me to my room, it wasn't for an hour, it was for the entire day, sun up, til sun down. No talking, no toys just complete abandonment. I used to write notes and slide them under the door when I got older speaking of the injustice of it and they would rip them up. Anyway, to make a long story short, when she locked me in my room for complaining about my bad haircut, I prayed to Jehovah to fix this injustice. I waited and waited. Nothing happened. I thought to myself. " If Jehovah won't do anything, I will pray to Satan. I waited and waited, again nothing. I concluded at a very young age their was no god or satan and my parents were whacked. If God had answered me in my distress I could easily have developed faith and interest howevr. It could have gone either way.

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