1914, Generation doctrine belief change!

by Gill 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gill

    Thank you very much, everyone...especially for the links!

    I really do believe that Jehovah's Witnesses either do not read or just do not understand what they are reading!

    Life as a Watchtower slave is like living your life with cataracts!

    I remember being concerned at the 1914 doctrine change and a relative saying that 'They' had lied to her and promised her that she would Never die. She was 95 when she died and had been a WT slave for all of her life. She died, spitting venom at the lying WTBTS and was very happy that she had changed her will a few years previously to disinherit the lying 'Slave'!

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Just as an aside...they are brainwashed. Had a JW call about 2.5 years ago (and I wasn't aware of the 'Generation' change then), and mentioned the 1914 thingy...and he actually LAUGHED at me for quoting the '1914 generation not passing away' thing...and I was confused (as I didn't 'know' anything had chanfed...well why would I?? GOD promised it, lol), and he just took it in his stride that HE had the new Light and I was ignorant....what an arse.... I did however ask him how he arrived at 1914 - as HE was one of REMNANT (which the WT ''prophesied correctly as WWI occured then''), and he's getting back to me...lol...I'll keep you informed...

  • coaster

    Interesting is that there has been but one mention of this in any magazine in 12 years. Not a single talk to my knowledge. Of course we LITERALLY had to cut and paste new infor in our old Revelation book this time around. So now we have nearly teenagers who have never had the oportunity to hear this "truth" or "new light". I was going to say these kids will probabaly be babtized shortly, but many probably started getting dunked at 9 years old.

  • Mary

    Yes, but thanks to New Light from Jehovah, they've 'refined' their belief:

    1914.gif picture by sam3217

    1914-1.gif picture by sam3217

    See how simple that was?

  • logic

    Most JWS either don't know,or don't care about any changes. When I had two elders visit me lately we were on the subject of recent changes. They didn;t even know about them. On the subject of the change of the gathering of the annointed, the one elder didn't think that was a change at all. I made him go over the article word by word. He finally realized that the society says right in the article that it has changed, that we don't really know when they are to be gathered. You would think that elders would be more informed, but they are not. During their 'visit' they quoted only two scriptures , which made no sense to me whatsoever. The only other scriptures used were from me. Evidently bible knowledge is not a requirement to becoming an elder.

  • Mum

    Why does anyone need a Watchtower? Just do the math! The issue is when the Society changed its tune. Well, obviously it had to change the 1914 doctrine based on mortality rates. Has he heard of actuarial tables? Is your relative that mathematically challenged?


    SandraC of the "mathematically challenged but, apparently, not a total loss" class

  • DannyHaszard

    For 33 years as a 3rd generation born Jehovah's Witness I went door to door with a Bible in my hand and Watchtower society literature.On YOUR door step,convinced in my heart of hearts that unless I recruited you as a Jehovah's Witness that you and your family would all die a horrible ghastly death. This is what the Watchtower sect programmed me to believe. Moreover,this is what I spent all my time,money promoting and this is what all 3 generations of my Haszard clan promoted. This is what the Watchtower sect indoctrinated us to believe. At 5 meetings a week,weekend 'meetings for field service' pep rallies we would be reminded that we were the world's only hope. This is what the Watchtower sect brainwashed us to believe. Our message that we carried door to door that I had been drilled and knew by heart from hundreds of meetings: God's Kingdom by Jesus Christ was established in the year 1914 and this generation (meant to convey the immediacy of the right now in my youthful lifetime) will get to see Armageddon and the paradise . This is what the Watchtower sect trained me to believe. It was all a LIE! For 50 plus years the masthead of the Watchtower,viewed when you opened up to the inside front cover would read as follows:

    "This magazine(Watchtower) builds up confidence in the Creators PROMISE of a peaceful and secure "new world" before the generation "that witnessed" the EVENTS OF 1914 passes away"".
    By their own admission the Watchtowers has published this dogma in hundreds of millions of pieces of their own literature.

    They deleted this false Adventist millerite derived prophecy in 1995 because it had FAILED.

    The Watchtower leadership has "purged" hundreds of thousands of followers over the years for failing to uphold the 1914 (Jesus came to power) loyalty oath to this now defunct dogma.

    The Bible clearly warns to turn away from false prophets.

  • Gill

    Danny - the Watchtower Society manages to condemn itself with its own words! A quick glance at the inside cover of all those pre 1995 Awakes prove for themselves that the Watchtower has LIED, not once but continually since its beginning.

    It is these very words, and the dropping like a hot potato of the 1914 Generation Doctrine that condemns the Watchtower, and this is exactly what it doesn't want its new members to find out about. This is exactly what so many 'old timers' know about but choose to ignore because the deception has been so great.

  • BizzyBee

    w 1995 November 1p.17par.6ATimetoKeepAwake

    Eager to see the end of this evil system, Jehovah’s people have at times speculated about the time when the "great tribulation" would break out, even tying this to calculations of what is the lifetime of a generation since 1914. However, we "bring a heart of wisdom in," not by speculating about how many years or days make up a generation, but by thinking about how we "count our days" in bringing joyful praise to Jehovah. (Psalm 90:12) Rather than provide a rule for measuring time, the term "generation" as used by Jesus refers principally to contemporary people of a certain historical period, with their identifying characteristics.

    Don'tcha' just love how when it's time for a monumental, 180 degree retreat from the big, fat, honkin' lies of the WTS - it been "Jehovah's people" at fault?

    But when it is "new light" - it's from "Jehovah's Faith and Discreet Slave"?

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Excellent use of that highlighter BizzyBee!!! And you're conclusion was definitely a ROFLMAO moment.

    Thanks to you, I think I've got the topic for our next highly encouraging Weekly Family Bible Litterature Study.

    Now I've just got to figure out how to tone these words down just a smidge:

    Don'tcha' just love how when it's time for a monumental, 180 degree retreat from the big, fat, honkin' lies of the WTS - it been "Jehovah's people" at fault?

    But when it is "new light" - it's from "Jehovah's Faith and Discreet Slave"?

    I love this place!


    Open Mind

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