Years in v. Years Out

by Billygoat 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • RN

    IN: 25 years
    OUT: 5 years

  • radar

    In 18yrs, out 2yrs.

    It is interesting Billygoat, that you have been out 11yrs and still involved in discussions like this.I know there are many posters to this board who have been posting on JW topics for many years.
    Many have benefited from reading their posts, including myself.
    Those years have obviously left an indellable mark on our consciousness.
    I believe the psychological bond we had, when we were with the (Borg)
    now seeks a home with those of us, who find themselves outside the Borg Org.
    In other words, that cultlike interdependency is still with us.
    Scarry aint it?


  • nelly136

    18 in 18 out

  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    In (16) felt bad about leaving for (10) Now I am happy, and don't fell bad at all about leaving (8 months) thanks to all of you...

    Now how long is it going to take to get my famley out?

    I want my famley back....

  • Escargot

    In for for 32 years
    Baptized in 1972 (three years before Armageddon came)
    Out just over a year

  • Seven

    In: 10 years
    Out: 11 months 17 days

  • Patriot

    I was in, then left but came back, in total,

    In: 19
    OUT: 2

  • Esmeralda

    Born in: baptized at 12; counting from birth...

    IN: 25 years
    Inactive: 2 years
    OUT: 3 years

    ...and life is just beginning.

  • MegaDude

    35 years in Watchtowershank Prison

    Broke out seven years ago.

    Still free.

    "Hope is a good thing... maybe the best of things."
    Andy's letter to Red in the Shawshank Redemption

  • teenyuck

    In 17 years

    Out 19 years

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