The Watchtower’s Perspective Seeing Issues—In Terms Of Black & White

by The wanderer 46 Replies latest jw friends


    Wanderer..This is an odd thread..LOL!!....The Watchtowers Perspective:"Do things our way or die."..That is very Black and Death.....Hitler had some good points.???..So does a Grizzly Bear mauling you to death.He`s nice and furry.Unfortunately he`s eating you and listening to you scream.......Hitler loved his dog,unfortunately he murdered millions of people..But..I do love the "Freeways"..Perhaps Hitler could have done the pavement in a different colour..Pink or Indigo..It would have made his Good Qualitys stand out much better..Crazy Eyes..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Let me start by saying excellent responses! I hope some individuals understand
    the mind-set and direction of this thread. No, I am not pro-Hitler for the record.

    A question was presented and I will answer accordingly.

    Question: Do you view issues in black and white?
    If not how do you, measure an issue?

    Let us stick with the “Hitler” theme for sake of clarity.

    First, examine the man’s motivation.

    Is he motivated for good or for bad?

    How can you prove or disprove his motive?

    What will be the overall effect?

    In other words, you start by asking questions:

    Who, What, Where, When, Why, How?

    Bare in mind there are variables and gray areas and not everything is cut and dry.
    In addition, more can be added, but this gives you an idea of how I think.

    Next case I will take up the "defense" of the Watchtower Society and
    you will measure whether or not my "defense" is sound or unsound.


    The Wanderer

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Everything is open to question and interpretation. Case in point. The autobahn. Was it built to serve the people or was it primarily built because Hitler knew that if he was going to move massive amounts of military equipment throughout the country it would be impossible to do it without the autobahn? Many, myself included, think the autobahn was a byproduct of an overall preplanned war strategy.

    Good point, Who am I?

    In fact the autobahn inspired the interstate highway system in America, which was proposed by Eisenhower for precisely the same reason - military preparedness in case of war in the US. The 'Alaskan Highway that cuts through Canada connecting the contiguous US and Alaska had the same purpose.

    See - even this thread has opened many perspectives of discussion not intended.


  • looking_glass

    I think for many people the black and white thinking is still very prevalent. It is a hard thought process to step out of. Shades of gray are often times hard to come by. As for me ... well I do have my moments where I fall into a pattern of thinking that is old and familiar. Thankfully I have a wide range of friends who often times are able to point my weaknesses out to me. There are times that I will not move on my thinking. But there are other times when I can be brought around to think outside of the box (or in the WTBTS's case "Tower").

    Hey Wand-man, I must have my slow hat on today, because I don't feel you answered the question. It seemed that you talked around the question. But I could be wrong. Though, for the slow ones (otherwise referred to as "blondes") can you just answer the question for us and be a little more specific (not using Hitler as an example) but maybe a yes or no answer and then elaborate a little.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Question: Do you view issues in black and white?
    If not how do you, measure an issue?

    Do I view issues in black and white?

    No, I try to first see all of the
    "angles" about an issue before
    committing myself to a decision
    or judgment.

    "Angles" include perspectives, ideas, opinions
    viewpoints, evidence and so forth.

    Then I start by asking the questions:

    Who, What, Where, When, Why, How?

    to start to determine how something measures up.


    The Wanderer


    Wanderer..Hitler thought it was a good idea to wipe out the Jews..Were his motives good or bad???..What the F**k???!!!..LOL!!..I guess it depends on if you were Jewish or not..Or..Didn`t like Jews..Most sane people would find it repulsive.....Many "Good Idea`s" come from war,that dosen`t make war right.....How on earth can you White Wash Evil?????!!!!!!..WBT$ does the same dam thing!..And..Your going to take up the defense of the WBT$ in your next thread?????..Why not?..The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society made every effort to get into Bed with Hitler..He was their kinda Guy!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • greendawn

    I can't understand why you seek to find something good in some of the most villainous characters in history. If the Hitler had some good points who cares? He was willing to send millions of innocent people to their deaths, often agonising deaths, in order to fulfill his insane objectives. Jews, Poles, Russians, Gypsies, the mentally and physically crippled. That's one hell of a nasty f- - -. Finding something good in someone so beastly becomes a moot point it is not even a point of seeing things as black and white with no shades inbetween.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    "That is because Adolph Hitler did have good points. He was a designer, a good artist and the autobahn,
    which he had a hand in, is the basis for the superhighway system in the United States.

    However, the evil that he perpetrated far outweighed any good points that he had."-The Wanderer

    Please people do not miss the point or
    read into something that is not there.



  • exwitless

    Richard - why do you insist on referring to yourself in the third person? Why do you relentlessly ask hypothetical questions without explaining your interest in the subject? Why do you continue to use such annoying fonts and colors and spacing? Why did four pages of our suggestions to you specifically about these things go in one ear and out the other?

    And a few more questions:

    Richard, who are you? Really. Can you just type something simple and unformatted about yourself, just once?

    Do you have a family?

    Do you have pets?

    What are your hobbies?

    What type of work do you do?

    What's your favorite color?

    I'm asking because in your entire history on JWD, I have yet to see you behave as a real person. Instead, you behave as though you're trying to be a psychoanalyst. Drop the formality just once, and post something just like I did here without special fonts, spacing, fancy wording, colors, and deep philosophical crap. (thanks)


    Wanderer..You are looking for the good,in an Evil Person..Why??..I have no idea....You ask us if his intentions were good..I`m sure he thought they were,but he was a Murderous Madman..The Road to Hell,is Paved with Good Intentions.Especially from Evil People!.....Hitler was insanely Evil..But..He was a good Artist???..LOL!!..Was the Creation of a Freeway,worth letting Evil Rule and the Extermination of Millions of Lives???Exactly,where do you find peace and decency in that?.....What was your point in creating this thread?..To show Evil has a Grey Area??..Or..Even a MadMan can love his dog and build a really cool road??..LOL!!.....Charles Manson could play a guitar,but he murdered a pregnant woman.Surely we can find some good in that!!.....This Thread has gone from Odd to InSane.....I can only wonder what you have in store for us tomorrow...OUTLAW

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