Hello there from questioning newbie

by Uncertain 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Uncertain

    Thanks! I appreciate your warm welcome, I'll keep on listening to what you can share. I'm glad to learn the PBS acronym, I thought that at the least I might be helping get service time in for folks. And I don't think it is false pretenses as long as I truly do study. I can see that independent thinking may not be thought a virtue... Bea

  • flipper

    Bea (alias uncertain). Mr. Flipper here. I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness and can guarantee you they do not have the truth. You are right they will discourage individual ,independent thinking and research, because they want you to only look to them, the organization for guidance. This is common in cult like mind control organizations, so for protection of your own mind and thinking ability, I recommend to stop in your tracks, while you can! If you doubt their sincerity and honesty, then heres a suggestion, ask them about the child molestation settlement they just made with 16 victims who had to agree to a gag order and were not allowed to speak about what happened to them , even from elders. Believe me they are trying to hide this information from new ones as well as members to save face. More concerned about image than protecting more children. Ask an elder you know about it, I'm sure he will not go into great detail about it with you. In 48 years being raised in this I saw so much saving of face, hiding what really was, and damage control with important issues, I get sick to my stomach just thinking about it. Ya sure you want to join that? Good luck! P M me if you want more info. Peace to you my friend, Mr. Flipper P.S. You asked how to find the truth? Personally you have to find the truth within yourself and the answer will become plain in time. Believe me.

  • integ

    Hi Uncertain.

    Just to let you know, your bible study conductor would be very leery of you being on this forum. That alone should tell you something. Make your own conclusion on why that would be.

    Enjoy your freedom to look at sites like this while u can, because once you become a witness you could literally be kicked out of the organization for doing so.

    The people who are being nice to you are probably good people who honestly feel they are helping you, and may not even be aware of all the discrepencies of their religion, because they are taught very sternly to not explore unbiased analysis of the watchtower society, becuase they state that ANY ideas or interpretations that are contrary to what they are currently teaching, are demonically influenced. It's true!

    Outside of very obvious things like "the world is getting more violent and promiscuous" or things of that nature, the watchtower society has NEVER predicted ANYTHING that has ever come true. Not a good record for what they claim is the ONLY true religion.

    Did u realize that the witnesses actually believe that the "trumpet blasts" mentioned in the book of Revelation are referring to some announcements made at witness (then known as Bible Students) conventions in the 1920's and 30's? Yes it's true; they REALLY believe that.

    Also realize that if YOU don't fully accept EVERYTHING that the Governing Body of Jehovahs Witnesses teach (at least say out loud that you don't accept something), efforts will be made to "adjust" your thinking, and after that, if u STILL do not accept the witness reasoning, u will be shunned by the same people who you think are your friends right now; because if they do not shun you, they themselves will be disfellowshipped and shunned by EVERYONE else in the religion.

    Right now you are not baptized. Consider that a blessing from God, because you can get away w/ asking questions, and you don't have to agree w/ everything they teach. But when you get baptized the whole game changes dramatically.

    Good luck to you,

    (oh by the way, you cant use the word "luck' once u become a witness; unless they changed that)


  • seek2find

    Hello Uncertain, and welcome to JWD. I don't post here often. I am a life long Witness and I am still in the Organization, so I'm speaking as an insider wanting out. The only reason I stay in is for Family. Here's something I would encourage you to do. Decide for yourself what your personal definition is of the word TRUTH. For me real Truth doesn't change, It's constant,unchanging,eternal. When I compare that definition of the word with the JW definition, I see problems, because of the TRUTH as the witnesses call it is always changing. I read a book recently by a 19th century Pastor CH Spurgeon called "All of Grace", and what appealed to me about that book is that it's still sought out and read by Millions of Christians, today Over 100 Years after it was written because it contains what I consider real truth. When I compare that with the works of Charles Taze Russel I see real differences. His works are only sought out by two groups, either Apostates to expose the error of his teachings, or by the Faith full witness that wants to build an extensive Library of old publications that just sit on the shelf looking impressive. Many witnesses, maybe even your study conductor are not familiar with some of his teachings, especially the emphasis he put on Christ return in 1874, something he believed up to his death in 1916. So my advice to you is continue your study of the Bible, but be sure you are learning what is really in the Bible not the words of men that are ever changing.

    seek2find of the "give me freedom and my Family" class

  • jgnat

    Hi, uncertain. I appreciate your inquiring nature. I see also that you enjoy deep study and are intrigued by the benefits of community. The dichotomy between community and individuality is a personal interest of mine. I think you would really enjoy the philosophies of Jean Vanier, founder of L'Arche. I am not promoting this particular community over others, but it serves as a noble example of what can be done.


    I find the Witness method of book study to be singularly unsatisfying. After a while it is not about the bible any more, but repeat-by-rote from the study materials. I encourage you to try the inductive bible study method with a full passage of the scriptures. http://sites.silaspartners.com/CC_Content_Page/0,,PTID34418%7CCHID629814,00.html

  • LeslieV

    Welcome uncertain glad you joined us. Remember "truth" is in the eye of the beholder. Truth means different things to different folks. Stay around there is much to learn on this forum.


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