Did someone disable the reply function on Wanderer's topic!!?

by NotaNess 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?
    Okay, I apologize for having anyone having
    taken this as a personal affront.

    I just want to make it clear that I was
    presenting another side of reality.

    When you take on the role of the WTS version of reality, which exists only in WTSland, then you should expect to be presented with real world reality.

    I apologize for the Kojak comment.

  • collegegirl21

    Wanderer, I didn't see an issue with any of the questions you post. Its a posting forum, people can choose which things to respond to and what not to respond to. I like this sort of stuff because sometimes I bring these issues up in my psychology class and I use this info in writing papers. Some people let things get to them to easily when all they have to do is click out of it and not leave a comment. I appreciate you taking the time to come up with this stuff rather than getting peer pressured into deleting the articles. Its just like being at the meetings again. I hope no one takes offense to me having my opinion and I hope I don't get snapped at by some of the others who didn't approve of this topic. Have a good day!

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    I was taking on the role of someone
    being in that position within the

    i.e. Bill Bowden,Barbara Andersen.

    Not the Watchtower Society.


    The Wanderer

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?
    .e. Bill Bowden,Barbara Andersen.

    What role do they believe that the WTS should play?

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Are you familiar with Bill Bowden or Barbara Andersen
    and there contributions to this subject?


    The Wanderer

  • The wanderer
  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    Yes. I'm not bailing, I have to get to a meeting.

    The question I have for you is this...with all that you know...is it wise to validate the WTS assertion that they have any role in pedophelia cases other than immediatley turning them over to authorities?

    Is it wise to play the role of the WTS ? Is it wise to role play, flip flopping from one extreme view to another and attributing motives and actions at will depending on your particular mood? Ethics? Do you take that class over at SCC? If not I suggest enrolling? College has plenty of these scenarios that are directed by qualified PHd's. Thats the difference.

    Your starting and ending points should to be clearly defined. You are playing with fire and acting like you are qualified to lead the class.

  • minimus

    You want us to think how Bill Bowen or Barbara Andersen would view this? You were taking on their role??

  • deaconbluez
    I think you need to really think about the watchtoweresque way you post.

    Perhaps he should start writing the "Questions From Readers"!

  • hillary_step


    Well, I hope that you now appreciate what I have been telling you for many, many weeks.

    The way you post is not healthy. It is condescending, patronizing, dishonest and without precedent on this Board. The posters are not offended so much by the subjects that you chose to discuss, though the last one was out of order, but by your sycophantic and oily manner. It stinks of 'congregational' plasticity.

    I request again that you drop the 'special' formatting. It is neither useful, neccessary or amusing and never was. Try posting in the same format as everyone. Try a level playing field for a change, this would take real courage. Unless of course you think that you are special in some way?

    If as I suspect you are actually suffering from emotional issues that are unresolved and painful, then you need to get some professional help. None of us here can help you with that. This is a Discussion Board, just that alone. It is not a substitute for a therapist, and certainly not a place to practice your marketing psychology on a captive audience.


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