You Need To Give Credit To The Society For Your Education

by The wanderer 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • under_believer


    I understand why you're doing these and they are probably helpful for many. I personally find them too distasteful to participate in, however.

  • NanaR

    I do not believe it is a coincidence that I became inactive as a JW at about the same time I started learning critical thinking skills in college (I started college almost 26 years after I finished high school).

    I am constantly discovering things I believed I "knew" -- believed to be fact -- that were not fact at all.

    Also, writing research papers in college taught me that when one quotes a source, one needs to do so "in context" and provide full information regarding the original source. Sources that are quoted need to be available somewhere so a person reading your research can check your source if they wish. If one is quoting from an older source that may not be available to many, one needs to make the reader aware of that.

    I learned the art of manipulating conversations from the Watchtower, and the art of manipulating the truth. I don't use either "art" now, as I prefer honest discussion and openness.

    I learned to read before I went to school. My father read to me constantly. But that wasn't the Society -- that was my Dad.

    The art of "finding the right answer" that I learned from the JWs was slightly helpful in my studies, when it was necessary to "parrot" an answer back to a teacher. Thankfully, most college professors do not want a classroom full of parrots, they want adults with critical thinking skills.

    I give the Society credit for delaying my education by 26 years. That was ENTIRELY their doing.


  • jaguarbass

    Being able to speak in public (Bullshxt) and 2.00$ will get you a cup of coffee at McDonalds.

    I think it would be better to live off what you know than your wits(bullshxt).

    The president of the Untited States cant speak in public and that has not taken any wind out of his sails. People enjoy bumbling idiots.

    Public speaking in beneficial in sales jobs (bullshxt). Its not going to get you a job as a school teacher, an engineer, a lawyer, an accountant, etc. It's not even going to get you a good sales job. The good sales jobs require education.

  • Shawn10538

    If we didn't get it there, we would have gotten it somewhere else. I did plenty of speaking in school. Actually, the damage the WTS does in creating non-self critical beings is something that can not even be undone by secular education. Proof of this is that many Witnesses go to college and stay in the org. Only someone who totally misses the concept of critical thnking can stay a Witness after college. If I were a college professor, I would really drive critical thinking into any Witness i might have in my class, and not pass them until they are able to criticize EVERYTHING, including the WTS.

  • ocsrf

    Yes they have done a terrific job of teaching public speaking; however, many JWs have nothing to speak on and no audience to speak it too in the secular world because of their lack of formal education and lack of degrees that give them creditbility.


  • SPAZnik

    You know, I used to credit them with a few things. But then I realized that placing credit with them was to misplace it. I realized that to only give them credit and not also hold them accountable for the negative results of their actions as well, would be unbalanced and dishonest.

    So, credit the society you ask?
    Why? Are they trying to set it up that if we actually do go out and earn something, we owe some fee to them? I'd be careful what acknowledgement, if any, you give them in print.

    It was the JWs that taught me to Advertise, Advertise, Advertise. Unfortunately, they only taught me how to Advertise one product....THEIR CULT'S INTERPRETATION OF THE BIBLE AND THEIR OWN PRINTED LITERATURE. Like a mindless drone. Ask no questions. Just march.

    I do view them as a great model of unethical business practise though.
    If I ever wanted to grow a cut-throat business and make a lot of money and real estate
    based on lifelong slave labour with few if any ethics or benefit to the slaves,
    I guess I could follow their model and say I owe them credit for educating me on how NOT to run an ethical worldwide business.

    I finally understand why a man once yelled at me in "street service"
    saying he believed JWs were communists. Being relatively UNeducated (except in the ways of the witnesses) at the time, I didn't understand what he meant. Now that I am freed from the JW chains, I can see what he meant.

    I did learn some things from my experience as a witness.
    But for that, do I not deserve every bit as much credit as they'd like to take?
    I generally learn things from all my experiences whereever I go
    or whomever I slave for. It has to do with a choice I make, to learn.

    I might credit my maker if I believed I had one, for giving me the capacity to learn.

    Are you suggesting the JWs might want "credit" for doing what they themselves claim they ought to have done???? That's just ridiculous.

    Why set them up as any greater than their "the only", "the best" and "the greatest"?
    Frankly, if they ever sent a letter like that, I would find it very revealing of their true motives.
    Glory-seekers. Didn't Jesus, the dude THEY CLAIM to follow, tell his disciples not to fight about who was greatest? Would this PRINCIPLE not apply to various sects of his followers every bit as much as to individual followers?

    Why would they seek to take any credit whatsoever away from the CREATOR they claim to serve for giving me the CAPACITY TO LEARN FROM WHOMEVER I SERVE AND WHATEVER I EXPERIENCE? Hmmm?
    Why do they not credit ME with all the effort I put in to slaving away for them all these years at great sacrifice and expense?

    Credit where credit is due:
    It was my mother that single-handedly taught me to read.
    It was my mother that single-handedly taught me to print;
    It was my mother that single-handedly taught me to think;
    With some help from the secular school system.
    IN SPITE OF AND NOT BECAUSE OF the narrow, restrictive, education-LIMITING influence of the JW gloryseekers.
    Noone else.

    If they are so deserving of credit, and believing of giving credit where credit is due, they can give certainly give credit FIRST, for all the things I, and others, did for their organization. Did you know that THEY WILL NOT EVEN TELL THE TRUTH about the countless hours of volunteer service I put in for their organization now that I am not a part of their organization? (I have a letter that proves this.)

    So, why would I credit them with anything when they themselves fail to give credit where it is due????

    Besides, crediting them would be like crediting cocaine for taking your mind off of your problems for a few decades. (And then trying to somehow spin that as a superior education.)

  • trevor

    The Wanderer

    There is something disturbingly greasy about your approach
    to people’s emotions and the life changing experience they have been through.

    You present yourself as a champion of the people, using unusual
    and subtle reactionary methods to get the low-down now it is to be an
    ex Jehovah’s Witness

    In reality you ere employing media tactics and presentation that
    seek to exploit people’s need and emotion to gain the attention
    that you so obviously crave.

    Why don’t you share a little of your own emotion about your
    experience instead of acting like this is some type of magazine
    interview you have been commissioned to preside over?

    Of course I could be wrong - for the second time in my life –
    my apologies in advance.


  • SPAZnik

    Wanderer, you actually strike me as someone working undercover for the JWs. It's weird.

  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    The education given by the Watchtower Society DOES qualify a person for a degree:

    - A Bachelor of Stupidity!

  • snowbird


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