Interesting Sociology assignment

by journey-on 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • journey-on

    When I was in college (in my 30's because I started late due to JW childhood), my Sociology prof gave us an assignment: If you were made the BENEVOLENT DICTATOR tomorrow and you could do anything to change things, what and how would you do it. Remember, you are a dictator, a benevolent one, but a dictator nonetheless. You are allowed to initiate any programs you choose. Don't just tell us what you would change but give us an overview of how you would do it.

    Any takers or ideas of your own? I'd be interested in what and how some of you would think.

    Edit: If you want to apply this to the "organization" instead of the overall culture, that would be interesting, too.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    I like the Futurama idea of having Suicide Booths...especially with the option for an extra painful death...yea baby!

  • mrsjones5

    I have an idea but I don't know how I would put it into action

  • journey-on

    What's your idea, Mrs. Jones? I'm intersted....


  • journey-on

    Into masochism, Burger Time? Suicide booths with extra pain added!

  • mrsjones5

    I would make all hospitals and medical clinics that aren't already so nonprofit. And make a law that no one is allowed to be turned away from medical care.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    I just always got a kick out of the idea that someone would actually want a suicide that involves extra pain. I believe the actual term used in Futurama was "Slow painful death". For serious though I have always felt the idea of religion in the book Cats Cradle by Kurt V. Jr. was an incredible one. Make a fake religion, outlaw it, make your best friend the leader or the "prophet" , then execute bad criminals under the guise that they are being executed for practicing their faith. It gives people something to live for.

  • journey-on

    Mrs. Jones

    Good idea. Now you would have to address the $$ aspect. It's a really interesting exercise in just how everything is so closely connected. It's easy to say "I'd change this or that" but "how you would change it" on a basic level is something else. Kind of like the butterfly effect.

  • JeffT

    "Benevolent Dictator" is an oxymoron. More damage has been done by people trying to "do good"or "help other people" than anything else. If I was truly benevolent and truly a dictator the only proper thing to do would be to put a bullet in my head and let everybody get on with their lives.

    Applied to the WTBS that would leave an awful lot of R&F wondering around looking liked they'd been pithed.

  • changeling

    Yes, the term "benevolent dictator" is an oxymoron. But semantics aside, if I were the one in charge I would do away with war. I know I sound like a Miss America contestant, but that's my answer and I'm sticking to it.

    I would be a super dooper diplomat and solve all conflict in a warm and fuzzy way. War would be a non-option.


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