JW Celibacy?

by Dragonlady76 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dragonlady76

    I am surprised to read that Ted Jaracz is married

    Considering all the restrictions and the hardline control the borg imposes on it's followers it's a wonder that they do not officially endorse celibacy among the GB members and even the DO & CO's as a requirement before recieving additional privileges.

    Does anyone know why celibacy is not a requirement?

  • Gopher

    Not that they always follow the Bible, but I think it's in one of the Pauline letters that restricting marriage (among other items) is a teaching from the demons. So that's what I heard when I was JW.

    I think they avoid teaching celibacy mainly to differentiate themselves from Catholicism.

  • Dragonlady76
    I think they avoid teaching celibacy mainly to differentiate themselves from Catholicism.

    I was thinking the same thing.

    I just can't imagine these guys getting married and having sex.

  • WTWizard

    Who would want to have sex with that humanoid? Not only is he old. (True, age is just a number.) His attitude is intolerance to younger people and their culture, which is the factor that makes him an old fogey. He is against anything to undo any of the damage they have caused, and in fact he is probably leading a push to ban entertainment altogether along with the Internet and education. For sure, that is not the sort of person I would want to live with if there should be any sort of disagreement--and you would never be able to do enough for him. How the $#@& did that slime ever find a wife with that attitude--and how would she put up with him for all those years?

  • Dragonlady76
    Who would want to have sex with that humanoid?


    Maybe their marriage is just for show.

    I have always thought that pompous ass people like him are really deviants, and that what they preach against is really all their desires.

    Perhaps they are angry that they cannot act out on their desires.

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