I am looking for woman for dating and marriage!

by DavinJohnson 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • UnConfused

    ....and I'm looking for a disproportionally hot, slim, humorous, rich lady from late 30's to mid 40's in age.

  • DJK

    Davin, try posting under the humor topic. That gets a lot of peeks.

  • Mary

    I might as well add my advertisement:

    I'm looking for an impotent man, between 85-95 who's extremely rich and about to kick off. If you fit the bill, just email me at: [email protected]

  • brinjen
    Sorry hon.....I've always wanted to name my firstborn: Nebuchadnezzar. I'll name our sixth-born after you though.......is that okay?

    OK then! altSo who will be your bridesmaids? Maid of Honour?

    I am looking for a job where I will be treated as an equal. I am looking for a job that does not want not just my time but also my soul. I am looking for a job that is not stressful. If you are out there and wish to e-mail me, you can reach me at [email protected]

    Have you considered a career at bethel perhaps looking_glass? I hear they have an excellent retirement plan...

  • nvrgnbk

    Look ladies! A pic of Davin!

  • lawrence


    I've been places where Davin was King of the Hill. Looks like CO material, ready for Committee Hearings.


    I feel today like 83, does that qualify?

  • Mary

    Damn he's cute nvrgnbk! I don't know who I want more: him or his Pa.......

  • brinjen

    alt What a hunk! Mary, you are so lucky! You think I'll ever manage to find my true love? I'm sooo happy for you

  • Mary
    lawrence asked: Mary- I feel today like 83, does that qualify?

    Hmmm....that depends: How impotent are you? Ever been invited to the Whitehouse or Buckingham Palace?

  • Paralipomenon
    Hmmm....that depends: How impotent are you? Ever been invited to the Whitehouse or Buckingham Palace?

    I've been to Whitehorse and Buckingham, Virginia. Does that count?

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