WT + Awake Update - restrictions

by stillajwexelder 59 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Beep,Beep

    "For the first few issues the Society will only ship as many study editions as they ship KMs -initially only if you are entitled to get a KM wil lyou get a study edition"

    Yet just last night it was suggested that families should ORDER the amount that they need.


    Paranoid religion. Full of fear.


  • BluesBrother

    I regularly attend the WT study, (well, as often as my wife can make it, she appreciates some assistance due to health) What does this mean for me? Perhaps I am just the kind of person they dont want at the meeting...

  • unique1
  • Open mind
    Open mind

    My latest seed planting with my loyal dub wife is: "I'm concerned that the WT is getting more and more controlling. I wonder if it's going to get worse with the new Wt?".

    I would love it if they really went over the top even moreso than they are now. Unfortunately, in agreement with another poster on a similar thread, I doubt they will in the first six months since they know people are half-way expecting that.

    Open Mind

  • icyestrm

    I am fading but I do take care of the magazines. WT xx/15/20xx starting next year will be handed out with the regular magazines ie WT xx/01/20xx and AW xx/20xx. there will be 1 for each dub, their brainwashed children, and those in the process of being brainwashed. There can be a few that go missing unexpectedly.

  • codeblue

    Stilla: Why are they restricting the WT study articles?

    They don't want the public to know what they are studying?

    That will just induce the public to know the WTBS is hiding something and that indeed, is another sign of a "cult".


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    The door of the Ark are closing.

    Soon they will erect large signs over each Kingdom Hall announcing,

    "Flood Sale: EVERYTHING must go!"

  • erandir

    Of course, this all brings to mind a very important question:

    Will Blondie still be able to get a copy of the study WT?

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    It won't prevent it from getting leaked, just as the KM is leaked on here. So there must be a different reason for their actions. Maybe it is just to make the jws feel "special" and maintain that fear of losing God's favor and not knowing when to run at the end? In any case, it is another cult marking for them.

    I always found it offensive that they didn't give everyone a KM or the OM book. I also thought the elder's book and pioneer book was offensive. Why should they judge you from a book you aren't allowed to see?

    Scare them, that's always been their tactic. It is this fearful mental/emotional baggage that is hardest to lose when you leave too.

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