Watch Tower using third party vendor for donation collection

by garybuss 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • garybuss

    Watch Tower using third party vendor for donation collection

    5. Credit/Debit Card Details
    That part of the website into which Donors enter their Credit and/or Debit Card details is not supplied or maintained by the Provider but by Protx. All financial and other details provided to Protx are subject to encryption and security by Protx and are the sole responsibility of Protx. The Provider does not accept in any circumstances any liability for loss or damage sustained by any Donor as a result of failure by Protx to comply with proper security procedures nor for any negligent or fraudulent misuse of the financial details provided by the Donor, howsoever caused. Website

  • Gill

    Thanks, Gary!!

    Why does God need so much money?

    I reckon that if Dr Who doesn't need money then God certainly doesn't need any!

  • lawrence

    Howdy Gary-

    Soon this beast organization will recommend payroll deduction donations. "It will come right out of your check, and will be credited to the WTS earlier. What a loving arrangement YOUR brothers have put in place." Maybe after that, they will cut a deal with welfare offices to credit the WTS right out of the government's money. I say, "starve the beast, so it dies!"

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    There is alwasy something more! Thanks for the info!

    Soon this beast organization will recommend payroll deduction donations

    But I busted a gut! on payroll deduction. LOL

    I bet they have already started this with some witnesses!

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    If I recall correctly, charles russel said that the WT should only receive finance through the selling of the watertower mag, and if sales should drop then thats God's way of saying "thats enough".

  • Mazzie Brossmann
    Mazzie Brossmann

    They forgot to mention the help they need with legal matters since there are so many perverted elders. Surely, some money gets earmarked for that.

  • garybuss

    It kinda makes me wonder who owns Protx. Pass through fees might make a third party vendor ownership a fine business. I've been predicting that literature sales would return by use of a third party vendor system much like the Society has set up for this soliciting of funds panhandle web site.

    If taxation of funds is an issue on the sales of manufactured items, a third party vendor system like Amazon would put all the responsibility for collecting taxes from the buyer on the "out of system" vendor. That'd be a nice firewall while guaranteeing set prices for sales of items delivered.

    The Society could also use a fourth party vendor to ship items ordered and paid for at the third party vendor site. Then all the Society would have to do is write religious fiction, print books, and collect money . . . three things they are good at.

  • Dragonlady76

    I couldn't find out any ownership info but this is the protox website.

  • rekless
    The Sage Group plc - News from around the Group - SAGE ACQUIRES UK ...

    Paul Stobart, CEO Sage UK and Ireland region comments, "We are very excited about the acquisition of Protx.

  • Arthur

    lawrence wrote:

    Soon this beast organization will recommend payroll deduction donations. "It will come right out of your check, and will be credited to the WTS earlier.

    The friends have already been doing this for years - although at the congregation level. I was the accounts servant about ten years ago, and we had one brother who was paying donations straight into the congregation's checking account through automatic payroll deductions. He has stipulated a certain amount to be allocated to the congregation fund, and the rest to go to the World Wide Work. With this new debit card arrangement that garybuss wrote about, I bet this kind of arrangement will be soon implemented at the headquarter / branch level.

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