What have I missed ??

by Junction-Guy 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • ex-nj-jw


    Of course you missed a lot!! Now get busy and catch up, how dare you go on vacation while the rest of us sit here, day and night, slaving away on JWD?

    Just kid'n, hope you had a wonderful vacation, can't wait to hear the details!

    Oh, and nvrgnbk "aka" Nate needs a spank'n


  • nvrgnbk
    Thanks for your post nvrgbnk, that made me laugh.

    That was the intent J-G.

    Oh, and nvrgnbk "aka" Nate needs a spank'n

    Promises, promises.

  • NotaNess

    Hey, good to see you had a good vacation. While you were gone the believers have lead the athiests to believe we are convinced there is no God, so theyll finally stop posting anti-God topics. Its not working. Everyone shift to plan B.

  • JAVA
    I lived in Dayton from 1958-1965 and 1967-1969.

    SandraC--I was a good little JW in Dayton, Ohio from 1965 to the early 1980s. Attended the KH on Cambridge Ave for much of that time. I gave talks in most of the congregations in the area when you were here from 67 to 69.

    Michael Henry

  • JAVA
    I spent 16 days visiting family in Ohio,

    They must not have phones in the part of Ohio you were visiting, David--I didn't hear from you while you were visiting. How's the family?

  • Junction-Guy

    Sorry I didnt call you Mike, but it seems like I dont have much free time when I go to Ohio. I usually attend many social functions with Darin, plus mom and grandma usually keep me busy by running to the stores and doctors offices. One of these days I will have another pizza fest there and I will be sure to let you know.

  • stillajwexelder

    you missed a boat load of threads from minimus

  • stillajwexelder

    CONFIRMED that Public Talks are going down to 30 minutes

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