Is the Watchtower Crumbling???

by R.F. 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • R.F.

    I'll start with my congregation......

    There have been about 7 disfellowshippings in my congregation alone within the last year. Over half the congo is inactive and many more are irregular pubs. Young people in the congo are dropping like flies. They are going for higher education and many of them just seem to lose interest in the org after doing that. Some of the younger brothers my age have flat out told me they don't want to reach out for priveleges. The VERY young ones are coming because their parents force them. All of the elders are elderly except for one of them, and the MSs are known for pulling no shows for their meeting parts. Im the youngest pioneer and i'm about to be taken off the list, as well as from being an MS i'm sure. All the other pioneers are over the age of 50. Meeting attendance is dwindling. You should've been there when I went earlier this week....everyone looked as if they wanted to go to sleep. My sister who doesn't attend much even said there was hardly anyone there, and this is very common. I honestly feel there will be no local congregation within 10 or 15 years, especially with the young ones giving up the religion when they get old enough to be on their own.

    Now my Circuit.....

    5 congos in my circuit are close to shutting down. Many of the brothers are moving away or just plain quitting the org. Those same congos are struggling in covering their territory regularly, and there are quite a few congos with only 1 or 2 elders and no MS. Some of the congos have NO young people and one doesn't even have anyone under the age of 50. There have been Bethelites and MTS grads sent in this area to help but they can only do so much and i'm not seeing that much of a change.

    I'm not too sure of what's going on beyond here so i'd like to here your input of what's happening in your neck of the woods.

    So the overall question is......Is the Watchtower finally on the verge of falling? Is it's future bleak?


  • nvrgnbk

    To say that it will cease to exist in our lifetime may be unrealistic.

    To say that the Watchtower is losing control of its members is to state the obvious.

    They lose control, the organization begins to crumble.

    It is happening.

  • wednesday

    they are still building in this neck of the woods, but the increase is mostly no English speaking, and illegals.

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    I hope so, although for now it is just in my dreams.....

  • LeslieV

    Around here they are growing, but it mostly in the Spanish speaking congos. I hope that the rank and file are getting smarter, and jumping ship. Time will tell, don't think you will see it crumbling, but hopefully slow but sure it will not have the control that it does now.


  • What-A-Coincidence

    Congregations are crumbling where Internet access is more common.

    Pity the spanish speaking folk in spanish congregations.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    Your congo sounds like a spiritual paradise! (for an apostate that is) applause

    In my circuit, they closed one congo last year. It had been a combination of 2 small congos a few years before that...(2 becomes 1 becomes POOF! 0...New WT Math). The money from the sale of that KH I heard is going to a congo on the other side of the circuit. They are moving the english congo and spanish group there and will build in a town closer to the spanish population center. A lot of ag workers in that area. My old KH is going to have a major remodel next month (I heard they are putting WINDOWS in the KH ...OMG! . They must need more New Light!

    We can only hope that the whole house of cards collapses, but dont hold your breath. waiting

    and as far as the MTS grads? loser ...they cant do anything on their own...they are told "it took 20 or more years to build these problems in the congregations. It will not be fixed overnight. Just go in, set an example, be encouraging. Jehovah will take care of the rest." THAT, my friend, is a direct quote....from a member of the GB to an MTS class on their last day a few years back.. bullsh*t I say.

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "fading a bit too quickly" Sheep Class)

    PS....on the risk of a partial hijack...I have to tell you.... I hate to increase their attendance figures, but I will be going back to a few more meetings each month because the fade accelerated too quickly. It is being noticed too much by some close friends and they are starting to nudge me too much and "expressing their concerns" squawking to the elders. at wits' end - New! Until I can move away, I have to back off it a bit.....maybe 4 meetings a month instead of 1. But I still will not go out in Field Service Sales Cold Calls. Just turn in informal time (aka phantom time)....but I go to meetings on my terms not theirs...still not going to the BS..who needs the yawn revelation book again hypnotized?... Since I am not voicing my "concerns", and I am not involved in anything a JC can get a grip on, their is nothing they can do except "encourage" me. (gag). peace out...


    The WBT$ isn`t crumbling..Their Cult,the Jehovah`s Witness`s is rotting away though...OUTLAW

  • moshe

    The only time JW's have visited my neighborhood in 5 years was to race through and leave the "False religion" tract last fall. I knew all along the real reason for the mass tract distribution was to get leads for call backs and Bible/WT book studies. Maybe 10,000 tracts generated one coupon being mailed in. If only the JW's coulld see how useless their preaching work is. The WTS is just trying to shore up the KH's now and closing KH's will be the most visible and demoralizing thing that will happen to the JW's. Human nature is to flee a sinking ship and nothing the GB does will stop the general exodus from the Org.

  • bigdreaux

    GREAT SCOTT!!!!! i sure hope your right moshe. as my buddy nvr says, DIE CULT DIE!!!!!!!

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