Syvia Browne The Psychic.......

by anewme 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • anewme

    How do you feel about her? Have you ever attended one of her events? Do you know she started a church Novus Spiritus? It is centered very close to my home.

    Have you ever watched her perform on Montel Williams?

    I just saw her for the first time today and she comes off as a very stable wise woman.

    I remember the JWs cautioning me against her back in the 70s!

    Just her name used to make me shudder.

    Well now I am wondering what is up with her?

    Do you believe in intuitives, people who are highly intuitive?

    Do you believe in spirit guides?

    Do you believe the dead are somehow interested in the living?

    Is she just another charlatan to you?

    I'd like to know your thoughts please. Thanks.

  • mrsjones5

    Sometimes I watch her when she's on Montel Williams on Wednesday for fun. Other than that I don't think much about her.

  • lies all lies
    lies all lies

    I watch Montel occasionally but whenever Sylvia Brown is on I turn the channel. She is good at getting info from the people in the audience and then just building on it, I can't understand how none of them realize they fed her all the info and she just spits it back at them. I wish some of the spirits she communicates with would tell her to go get a real manicure and get rid of those claws she has....and whats up with her voice? Is it just me or does she sound like she's been smoking 10 packs a day since she was 3?

  • Mary

    Sylvia Brown is a con artist and a fraud, plain and simple. Yes I believe some people are more 'intuitive' than others and yes I believe in a spirit world. I just don't think Syliva Brown has any connection to it at all. I saw her one night on Larry King Live and she was doing 'cold calls' or whatever you call them........she was getting virtually all misses and no hits.

    I'd rather spend my money on the lottery than least with the lottery, there's a 1 in 30,000,000 chance that you'll get it right.

  • LoverOfTruth

    She seems to have ability in this matter but I think she uses it to primarily for financial gain. I prefer people like Alison Dubois.

  • poppers
  • LtCmd.Lore

    She's a fraud.

    In 2001 she agreed to take the James Randi 'Million Dollar Challenge'. That was six years ago and she has refused to take the challenge. (He even put the money in escrow, specifically FOR HER, and she still refuses to take the challenge)

    She has made plenty of failed predictions. She told this one family that their missing son was dead, and that she even knew where he was buried. Turns out he was not buried or even dead.

    Her results are no more amazing than educated guesses.

  • lisavegas420

    I used to like she gets on my nerves. Especially when she taps her teeth with those freakishly long fingernails. On Montel, it looks to me like the audience asks questions then she just makes something up.


  • Dansk

    Sylvia Brown is a con artist and a fraud, plain and simple.



  • Seeker4

    Check out the Sylvia Brown videos on YouTube.

    Like all psychics, she's a ripoff artist and a fraud as has been mentioned.

    Shame on Montel for perpetuating this kind of nonsense. The Skeptics Society I belong to has podcasts of a talk show that they do where they tear Sylvia Brown and others of her ilk to shreds.

    What silliness people convince themselves to believe - and shovel out their money for.


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