Rudy Knighted *sniff*

by Esmeralda 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Esmeralda

    This got me all choaked up...


    Titles to be given to the commissioners of Police and NYFD too...


  • crownboy

    As great a job Rudy has done during this crisis and all, as a black New York city resident, I say "good ridance" to the Mayor when his term is up. One month of incredible work and leadership cannot make up for 8 years of racial insensitivity and bigotry. Even if Rudy is not a racist, he certainly showed little empathy for minorites who were mistreated by cops (probably because they contributed alot of money to his campaigns)and was very petty and vindictive to any public criticism. Beside, I'm pretty sure most mayors would do a great job in this situation (though I'm certainly not belittling Rudy's efforts). For all non New Yorkers, and especially liberals, the Rudy you have seen over the past month is not the man we New Yorkers have known for 8 (and especially the last 4) years.

  • jelly


    did not the people of NY elect him twice?


  • mommy

    >>>>Even if Rudy is not a racist, he certainly showed little empathy for minorites who were mistreated by cops (probably because they contributed alot of money to his campaigns)and was very petty and vindictive to any public criticism<<<<<<

    I don't think it was his lack of empathy that turned so many against him. It was actually maybe 3 sentences he stated regarding the officers in question, recalling the many years they served NY with honors.And showing us all what a tough job NY police officers have, facing death and violence against them on a daily basis.

    It was this that made people close their ears to his words. He did express empathy BTW, but most people didn't hear that part.

    I watched live television on the day this happened. I saw a mayor who is a father of children also stuck in the mess. He did not know if he was going to make it out alive. He guided them, he remained firm, when so many were runnning and screaming in terror. I wish he was relected, or had a chance to be re-elected. I for one would stand by him.

    Isn't there a quote somewhere that goes something like this...It is not how you handle life in peace but in war?

  • mommy

    I forgot to mention his being petty and vindictive to any public critism.

    I agree, he would not answer questions at times, and most of the time he was very short with the press. But this was not immediate, this was a gradual change. After making a speech and seeing your words twisted, or misrepresented time and again, you kinda get a bad taste in your mouth. This happened to him. Then the press decided his personal life was free to take pot shots at as well. Any man or woman here would probably respond in kind. I know I would.

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

  • Jigrigger

    Hi Es.

    Do you suppose the Queen has the "hots" for Rudy?
    I am trying to picture the sight of Rudy giving the Queen a go...
    Not a pretty sight...


  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    It’s a wonder that Rudy was ever elected in such a liberal town as NYC. In a state that would elect such obnoxious senators as Hilary and that other bozo that defended the lying of Clinton, it is remarkable that Rudy was elected Mayor in its largest city.

    I am sure that he did not correct all of NYC’s problems, including poverty, homelessness, etc., but he certainly did cleanup the theater district. That proved to be a boon to the City’s economy, since travelers feel much safer in the City, especially the Times Square area and other tourist areas.

    He has worked tirelessly since the bombing on Sept. 11, and he is not a well man. Remember, he is fighting prostate cancer and he is not too young any more either.

    Sam Beli

    I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and striving after wind. What is crooked cannot be straightened and what is lacking cannot be counted. Solomon

  • Seeker

    Rudy made a name for himself as the District Attorney who took on the mob in the city. He came into office with that reputation, and during a time of recession that hampered the previous administration. He wanted to clean up New York, the city bought the idea, elected him, and then there was an historic drop in crime. Some attributed this to Rudy, some noticed it was happening all over the country. Regardless, the city rebounded big time, and went from being a place tourists avoided to being the #1 tourist destination in the country. Money poured in from the tax base as Wall Street went wild and the real estate market soared.

    Adolf HItler could get re-elected under those circumstances.

    What crownboy said is right. The Rudy you see now is not the Rudy New Yorkers have seen all along, and especially not the Rudy seen by non-white NYers. One magainze article stated it best when they said that Rudy has the gift of taking a crisis situation and making it calm, and taking a calm situation and adding crisis. When things are quiet, we see the petty Rudy, the scolding Rudy. When things are in crisis, we see the fatherly Rudy, the strong Rudy.

    Truly, he is a good man to have around in moments like this. It's the rest of the time when he can be a bit much. Just to give you an idea of how NYers really feel, a recent poll had something like 80% of NYers wishing Rudy could stay in office longer. But a similar percentage said they would NOT be in favor of adjusting the law that would allow Rudy to stay in office! A little bit of a love-hate reaction there, for they know that once the crisis is over we'd be back to the scolding Rudy again.

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    Thanks for the insight, Seeker. My perspective is from far away – the other side of the country. I remember the NYC of the 50s (the huge conventions of ’50, 53, and 58), and the 70s when I visited my son at Bethel, vs. the current NYC that I have loved to visit for its Museums, Theater and Opera. Being able to walk around Times Square without being accosted by hookers or having to step over poor inebriated souls on the sidewalk makes it a much more pleasurable city to visit.

    Warm regards to all.

    Sam Beli

    I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and striving after wind. What is crooked cannot be straightened and what is lacking cannot be counted. Solomon

  • crownboy

    did not the people of NY elect him twice?

    For the first 4 years, he was at least tolerable when it came to racial issues. Based on the last 4 years though, he would not have won another election. I'm not trying to equate Rudy with the devil (or worst yet the Governing Body), but I am saying many people will be happy to see him go come January 1st. I'm not opposed to him cleaning up the city or arresting minorites who commit crimes. As a person who has been twiced mugged by a person of my own race I am very intolerant of crime in minority neighborhoods. However, when cops do commit crimes against minorities I expect the mayor to respond by punishing the cops or at least publicly castigating them. However, this rarely happened with him as mayor, as he seemed to almost encourage random profiling and even sometimes brutality. The job he's done during this crisis is of course great, but before that as long as you did not vote for the guy or if you're a critic of his, he acted like a real (butt)hole. I'm not anti- Republican (I don't really mind the governor), just anti- Rudy.

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