Fantastic opportunities for advanced education on line

by restrangled 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    LSU, California State,, Eastern and Western Illinois among others offer fantastic classes. Harvard even offers a Doctorate degree on line, although you will have to attend for a short time on campus. Several members of my family are finishing up degrees or advancing them through CLEP tests or on line classes through these sites, with testing done at local colleges or homework sent through the mail at minimal cost compared even to your local Jr. college.

    I am going to start after they are done. I hope to major in English Lit.

    For all those wishing they had gone further it's never too late to start.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Blimey - I thought the AWAKE was going online when I read that title.

  • Seeker4

    Too funny, Midwich!

    Thanks, Re. I've certainly thought a lot about working on a degree. Let me know how you do.


  • restrangled

    Seeker 4, my husband has received over 18 credit hours in the last month. This is not the on line crap you see advertised....he has done major research and made sure this applies to his degree.

    Let me know if you want any info.


  • Tatiana

    Any links for the ones in Illinois?

  • thepackage

    The CLEP is great. I've taken a few and got serval credits that way. Best wishes on your education.

  • Black Man
    Black Man

    so great to hear about this................

  • betterdaze


  • exwitless

    I am currently pursuing my RN degree on line. (I am an LPN; that's why I can do most of the RN program online). More and more schools are offering online degrees. It's just the natural progression of technology. Since I work full time and have a family, it's the only way I could do it. I would recommend it to anyone who thinks they don't have time to go back to school.

  • restrangled

    Anyone who wrote PM's please allow me to answer to you tomorrow.....


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