Protests at our District Assembly Tomorrow

by JH 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlphaOmega
    I paid to send an airplane over Dodger Stadium years ago after leaving Bethel with the message:

    Amazing! Genius!

  • penny2

    Some wearing masks - I think that's a great idea. It will attract attention and cause people to ask more questions.

  • Junction-Guy

    When Bob (Honesty) picketed with us here in Knoxville, he wore a mask. The funny thing is they pay more attention to the ones wearing a mask than me, they are so curious to know who is hiding behind that mask.

  • z


    Quebec media is full of s*** the will not do big story about it, the are way too liberal maybe the French ones will write some where in the last pages the English ones will ignore it totally….. SHAME on them the cult kill and destroyed family and no one know about it and no one care. When I ask some of my friend about JW the answer “oh the are nice people the don’t bother no one” the should know


  • nvrgnbk

    Thanks for your concern and help z.


  • z

    Shalom to u nvr or Boker Tov (good morning)

    I’m trying here but sometime I go into argument with my JW (who work for me) but in the long run he get the info he need to know , I call him CULTIC MEMBER he is not happy about it and one time he said “you know the cult do help allot of us “ hehehe ya right my ass


  • JH

    Here is an article in french, from Quebec city's newspaper, and a picture of the protest.


    On th first card it's written Jehovah Witnesses = Brain washing

    On the 2nd card it's written Jehovah Witnesses are dangerous to themselves

    On the 3rd card it's written "No to children sacrifice"

    On the 4th card it's written "Awake, the tower will destroy your life"

  • JH
    Léonce Crépeault explique plutôt l’absence de dissidence au sein du mouvement religieux par la perfection de la Bible, seule source d’information crédible à ses yeux. « Chez les Témoins de Jéhovah, il n’y a pas de dissidence parce qu’on s’en tient à la Bible. On ne peut pas la changer, elle est parfaite. »

    In that article Léonce Crépeault, the JW representative says, that there are no dissidents in our religion because of the perfection of the bible, only credible source of truth. There are no dissidents in the JW organization he says, because we follow what's written in the bible. We can't change the bible* he says, and it's perfect.

    * Of course they never tampered with the bible.....

  • JH

    Those protesting had this to say:

    Exclus pour la plupart de leur famille à la suite de leur départ des Témoins de Jéhovah, ces manifestants ont invité les participants au congrès à s’interroger sur la rigidité de leur mouvement.

    « Je veux les aider à sortir de cette secte qui bafoue leurs droits, entre autres de recevoir des transfusions sanguines quand c’est nécessaire », indique Jean-Philippe Cossette, un ancien adepte. « En faisant des pancartes, on essaie de réveiller certaines personnes », ironise-t-il, en référence au magazine Réveillez-vous que distribuent les Témoins.

    Baptisé en 1993, cet infirmier s’est retiré du mouvement six ans plus
    tard afin de recouvrer sa liberté de pensée, dit-il. « Les Témoins de Jéhovah n’ont pas le droit de penser, de croire et d’exprimer ce qu’ils veulent, sinon ils peuvent être exclus, c’est-à-dire excommuniés », déplore M. Cossette.

    Those protesting, most of which are disfellowshipped, wanted those who attended the assembly to think about how "strict" their religion is.

    I want to help them to get out of this cult, that takes away thier rights, such as having the right to receive blood when it may become necessary. By this protest and signs, we are trying to Awake a few JW's.

    Baptized in 1993, this male nurse, quit the JW organization 6 years later in order to get back his right to think. The JW's he says don't have the right to "think, and express what the feel". If they do, they will be disfellowshipped says Mr. Cossette.

  • lrkr

    I remember being a kid at a San Diego convention in the early 80's and seing a plane with the phone number. Also the flyer about "What happened at Bethel in 1980" was floating around. I didn't pay any attention at the time but still remember it years later. I always wondered- what secrets are they talking about.

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