Something you could live without & Something you couldn't...

by KW13 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • KW13

    I can easily live without my mobile telephone - never use it at the moment and i rarely do.

    I couldn't live without my PC because of all the things i can do on it including (when i have internet) JWD

  • lola28

    i could live without a tv but not with out books and my cell phone.


  • RichieRich

    I could live without electricity, my cell phone, or television.

    I couldn't live without the suppourt from viewers like you. Just kidding. friends.

  • snarf

    I could live without my microwave, but could not live without my oven....I love baking and the aromas it fills my house with.

  • DJK

    Wives, I've had a few. Can't say there won't be more. If and when this one gets tired of me, I might call it quit's.

    Work, I would like to retire from my present work. I would still work just to keep me from being bored doing nothing.

  • lonelysheep

    I could live without my cell phone and tv.

    I can't live without a notebook and pen, as well as the internet.

  • free2think

    I could live without my microwave.

    I couldn't live without my tv, mobile, or pc.

  • eclipse

    I could live without tv, and chocolate, I barely watch it.

    I couldn't live without being able to be outside everyday, good food, good wine/beer, (ok I could, but I wouldnt want to) I couldn't live without learning.

  • stillajwexelder

    I could live without my cellphone

    I could not live without an alcoholic beverage about once per week minimum

  • FreedomFrog

    I could live without being married again...not to say I won't want to in the future...but right now I don't have to hear snoring!

    I can not live without my kids. They keep me company and I'm not alone.

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