What Disappoints You Most About Jehovah's Witnesses?

by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Effervescent

    How they victimize and humiliate those who are struggling, confused and in pain via Judicial Meetings.

  • betterdaze

    Willful ignorance.


  • greendawn

    That six or seven million dubs are stupid enough to accept the dictatorship of a bunch of old incompetent and power lusting men when they can very easily shake it off. How can 12 seniles control millions of people?

    Also the lack of real brotherly love and affection that one would expect to find in an org that calls itself the one and only true way, the only true religion. They obviously don't leave up to that name.

  • brinjen

    How so many people are wiling to devote their lives to a publishing company disguised as a religion. They put the publishing company before their own family.

  • emptywords

    the spying and earvdropping, the secrecy within the elder arrangement, the lack of respect for peoples B/S personal privacy their interferring and meddling in families, children and marraiges. Their self righteous hierachy and elite groups.

    And most of all their lack of love in all areas, neglect of the poor the weak, soliciting of money, hypocricy on just about every issue.......on and on.....;;.

  • blondie

    The forms of lying they practice: by omission and commission, misdirecting and misleading, deceit and deception...all in the name of God.

  • Hortensia

    one of the disappointing things for me personally was the betrayal by people who were supposed to be close friends - they prefer gossip to being trustworthy. Also, their refusal to accept responsibility for their own thoughts and actions is really something - I think that "wait on Jehovah" "follow the F&DS" "headship" crap leaves them free from responsibility - everything is always someone else's fault, and someone else will solve the problem.


    im not an ex jw or a current one but it grates me when i hear the same words to describe everything and everyone i.e. brothers , elders , in the truth, worldly etc

  • Amnesty Vendor
    Amnesty Vendor

    The fact that one can spend a lifetime with people
    and within an instant have very few to absolutely no real friends or family.

    It has to be one of the saddest things to me.

    I cannot think of any other situations in life where this happens.

  • JH

    They are all alike, and God made us all different.

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