BETHELITES - Whatever Became of?

by Black Man 297 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rabbit

    Anybody know what happened to Bruce Wait(s) from Texas ?

    He left for Bethel just before Armageddon. He had a brother named Roger.

  • DaCheech
    We had the Harley Brenaman as our CO back in the 80s in Illinois. At the time their son Alan was single and there was always talk of hooking him up with a regular pioneer sister in our circuit who had Italian heritage (her nonJW dad was Italian, her JW mom not). I didnt have a high opinion of Alan.. I thought he was an idiot. The sister must have thought so too I guess. Ironically, she still isnt married last I heard. Years later, we had an Italian MTS grad/CO Michael Emilio.... single... and you woulda thought he would have been perfect for this sister.... she didnt like him either...

    Brenneman had a weird lisp.

    Emilio not only is gay, but he told someone I know that: he should only marry a pioneer sister, for if that person would not marry one...... the truth would be easily taken away. He was a CO, and is now no longer a CO.

    he is about 50'ish and still single. when he was CO, alll the sisters were gaga over him............. but, I guess the best witness according to him, is a cautious one!

  • minimus

    The last I heard of Bruce Millette, he was living a sad life and was unhappy with his less than spiritual wife.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    Emilio not only is gay, but he told someone I know that: he should only marry a pioneer sister, for if that person would not marry one...... the truth would be easily taken away. He was a CO, and is now no longer a CO.

    i guess I am not surprised he did not last seems a lot of the MTS grads burned like a bright comet then burned out.... I guess I would not have been surprised if he really was gay...but the first I heard of it... you say emilio is not a CO now? last I heard, he was in a second tour of the east coast Itialian circuit... is he still active? oh well... i bet that sister I was talking about would be relieved to know she "missed the bullet" on that

    Snakes ()

  • Uzzah

    I know many of the Brooklyn support services crew and legal dept people from 1989-95 and pretty much any Canadian Bethelite from 84-95. I'd love to hear of any that have seent he light, left, or pretty much any news. I loved those people as my family. It is too bad they ar so short sighted that their love can only be for those who think the same as they do.

    Despite my bravado, I miss so many, Rob & Paula Hinch (now missionaries in Malawi), Dave and Jennifer Nelson (still serving in Toronto). They were my best friends and still could be if they would just open thier minds and remove their prejudice. They don't hve to change their beliefs but just be open to be friends with someone who doesn't believe as they do. sad

    I am not here to change them but would love to be their friends again.

  • Shawn10538

    i'm surprized I haven't met anyone here who knew Tilden Berger yet. I think I posted about him on another thread too but didn't get any response. He was at Brooklyn for 6 or 7 years, from like 1977 to 1982. Then he was at the Farm until I met him in Pioneer school in 1988. He was a major influence on me going to Bethel.

    I considered him my best friend for some time. When I came back from Bethel we hung out for a bit, and he was actually renting my parent's apartment in the house I grew up in. Unfortunately my family is ruthless bastards when it comes to business. They are downright mean, and they ended up totally illegally evicting Tilden with no notice, or insufficient notice at least. It was a messy business.

    Anyway, I lost touch with him until I left the org (the second time) in 2004. I called him and he said that he couldn't talk to me and "those are the rules." He isn't a Witness anymore and sounded really angry and bitter. What I didn't understand was why, even after I told him I was no longer a Witness myself, he still didn't want to talk to me. In fact I called him again a few weeks later and his girlfriend? answered and she asked that I just not call anymore. I didn't understand why and I still don't.

    But, Tilden, I miss you man. You were always a great buddy. I always took your side even when my family was pressuring me to not associate with you. You were a good friend to me in good times and bad. I would be a friend to you now if you would let me. I hope you are OK and happy. The Borg ***ked us all up, lied to us and stole years of our life. I know the feeling of not wanting to have anything to remind us of the cult around us. But, if you ever want to talk again, I sure would love to hear from you. I would be a much better friend now than I ever was then - I promise.
    Your friend ,

  • Shawn10538

    I called WTFarms the other day and used a scottish accent so I could talk to some old buddies and hear their voices etc. I first spoke to Matt Oleman, who was in the mailing dept. with me for a few years. Matt was a serious smart ass, one of the funniest people I have ever known. He was such a clown, but if you argued with him he would decimate you until you felt like jumping off a building. He was the one who was "my match" in criticism wars and making fun of people. His repolies were just pure acid. So, in one instant, after tangling with him, I swore off of all sarcasm. I never challenged him again and we became pretty good friends I guess. Then one day, to the shock of everyone in the dept, he was given some responsibility. Then the clown turned into a company man over night! Those bastards kill every bit of fun in a person. They essentially killed Matt Oleman.

    Later on he married a freakin MODEL, Sienna is her name. Geeze, she's like one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. Totally jealous, every guy was. He was accepted to stay at Bethel after they married. So he's got choice p***y, 3 regular meals and a steady job, shelter, etc. His family supports him there. Why leave?

    His voice the other day sounded so dull and zombie-like. I made up a story as to why I was calling him and that I had some questions for him. He just gave me a programmed response, followed the rules and policies perfectly. I just wonder how much of him is still in there. He was always on the edge, doing fun stuff, breaking all the rules. We would talk about all the contraband we had there at Bethel, demonic CDs, devil worshipping bands, sexually explicit music, heavy drinking, smart ass comments about what the GB is currently saying, going to clubs and concerts, parties, making fun of other Bethelites including the GB, cussing, talking dirty, talking about sex, cussing, lying or otherwise torturing the home overseer, practical jokes...

    Now, with his incredibly bright mind and intelligence, he is still in the shipping dept. at WTF. He could have gone to college and been doing anything now. Instead he is in a nowhere job, has no skills, and no money I'm guessing. If he were dismissed he might have a tough go of it.

    Where is the old Matt Oleman? I miss him. I hope you snap out of it one day dude, then we can have some more insult wars and laugh our asses off like we used to about stupid sh*t.. I think I might beat you now, I'd sure like to try. i would love to smoke out with you now and talk about old times. I'm pretty sure you'd be one of the funnest people on the planet to get high with! Give me a call one day if ou ever read this.


  • DaCheech

    snakes, I don't know where Emilio is now, I have not seen him in 6 months.

    he has not been CO for approx. 15 months.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    bttt ... interesting stories... any new ones since JWN opened up?

    Snakes ()

  • bobld

    The GB/ FD/WBTS want to thank you all in advance for all the hard work.Bossert sold $200 million,

    Standish $50 million,Sliver $18.6 million plus all the other bldgs.We have many more to sell but the

    market is down but we will wait and will make hugh profits when it is back up.We the GB want to

    thank those that left willingly (disfellowshipped) the majority did not want to leave bethel HQ so

    we gave them the boot. Once again thanks for all the free labour and hard work.You brothers

    done such fine work we could not have made this hugh profit without your help.


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