New Watchtower format is all because of Blondie!

by drew sagan 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    uninformed, thank you for my laugh for the night:

    Jael acted courageously, seizing the opportunity to throw in her lot with the Israelites. As a tent dweller, she was used to driving tent pins into the ground with a hammer. So, with a tent pin in one hand and a hammer in the other, Jael stealthily approached Sisera, (THE WATCHTOWER) who was sound asleep on his side ASS.
  • moshe

    What would Jesus say about his faithful slave class denying the "meat in due season" found in the Watchtower from the world? It just shows how worthless the study articles are in helping and wordly person gsin any real knowledge of the Bible. It's all about controlling the thinking of JW's.

  • jgnat

    I agree, the new format is an attempt to forestall "apostates". All it will due is expose their duplicity.

    All power to Blondie!

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