God is a Metaphor

by nvrgnbk 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    I'm glad so many enjoyed this gem.

  • neverendingjourney

    There is no doubt in my mind that, from a purely biological perspective, human beings are a scourge on the earth. We might be the single most egotistical and destructive species ever to walk on Earth (viruses are generally not considered to be living life forms). Of course, very little is known about the millions and millions of species that preceded us, but I don't think my analysis is off base. The concept of god has fueled this narrow-mindedness, in my opinion. We have myths that tell us that we are the predominant, special life form for whom the Earth was created. We can rape and pillage it as we please for it was created for us. These beliefs have only helped fuel the destruction of our biosphere. With that in mind, we may very well be an inferior species, from a philosophical perspective. Every other species tends to seek an equilibrium with their surroundings. We seek to destroy and claim as much of the Earth for ourselves as possible with little thought to the consequences that our actions might have on other species.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    god/jesus etc. are figments of ones imagination

  • SnakesInTheTower


    very interesting article, and while I had not been thinking God as a metaphor, I like it.

    Having been raised a dub, now fading, you can imagine that I now have conflicting thoughts. Maybe I will be agnostic...I believe (and I may have commented on this before) that because of the complexity of everything and everyone around us, there must be some Higher Intelligence. But I do not believe that the HI insists that we puny humans (concocted by this HI) worship it. Maybe it is paying us attention, maybe not. Maybe it put us here and has moved on. Am I appreciative of being here? Usually.

    Humans created the concept of god. My question is : Why?

    yep changeling...I think the answer to the "Why" part of the question is that god (not always neatly) ties up all the loose ends of all of our questions about how things got here and why things are the way they are. The problem comes when you have 6 billion humans with their own theory of the answers about who/what God is. This group of humans believes it is God, this one Jesus, this one Jehovah, this one Allah, the Greeks and Romans had hundreds if not thousands....some cultures have millions of gods.

    Religion just packages God for different groups of humans...customized for our personal set of tastes....The problem with the Borg (and many organized religions) is that if we dont see it their way, then we are expected to hit the highway.

    It seems to be us versus them in the concept of god/divine entity, etc. Probably why we have so many wars on the earth.... (not because of Satan, which is just another metaphor for evil...or maybe just a way for humans to blame something/someone other than themselves for the messes we (collectively) make.

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "now have a headache" Sheep Class)

  • zensim

    Neverending - couldn't agree more. I have my days too where I just look around and all I see is a form of human parasites and get discouraged.

    The two words which stood out the most for me were 'egotistical' and 'equilibrium'. From my experience both those need to be addressed inwardly first though before they manifest outwardly.

    Speaking of which, time to go and get some equilibrium around my home - been on the computer all morning! : )


  • choosing life
    choosing life


    Beautiful video! Nice ending to a long and hard 2nd shift. I sure miss him. Music says things so much better. They say it is one of a few things that influences both sides of our brain equally.

    Thanks, Choosing Life

  • bernadette

    The myths of yester year gave us heroes and dragons/villians. Didn't the heroes inspire us with their qualities of courage and adventure as they pushed back the frontiers of ignorance and brought new progressive knowledge.

    Kernals of truth survived while erroneous thinking became set in concrete. So the good thing I guess for us today is that it is easier to identify erroneous thinking because it will usually have a ball and chain attached to it.

  • Narkissos

    Nice thread nvr, thanks. This has been one of my pet topics, too.

    Just as there is a neurology of metaphor (I first heard about it from Pole, whom I miss, on this forum) there is certainly a sociology (and perhaps a historical and political economy) of metaphor. Meaning that the perception of religous speech, for instance, as metaphor can never be equally distributed. It's certainly unfair but in what sense? One would have to know first whether "metaphor-consciousness" is a blessing or a curse. And it may well be both.

    For some to understand Aphrodites, Apollo or Dionysos as second-degree metaphors there must have been many others worshipping them as first-degree deities, before, or even simultaneously.

    Perhaps there is a time and a place to make "gods", another to dismiss them as "idols," and yet another to remember them -- with a measure of nostalgy -- as "metaphors".

  • nvrgnbk

    For some to understand Aphrodites, Apollo or Dionysos as second-degree metaphors there must have been many others worshipping them as first-degree deities, before, or even simultaneously.

    Perhaps there is a time and a place to make "gods", another to dismiss them as "idols," and yet another to remember them -- with a measure of nostalgy -- as "metaphors".

    I think you've just said quite a bit brother. Thanks Nark!

  • brinjen

    I always thought...

    God is a DJ
    Life is a dancefloor
    Love is the rhythm
    And you are the music

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