Question from non-JW.....

by lavendar 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • LtCmd.Lore
    In other countries they are still sold for a fixed price.

    Wow, that's the first I've heard that. Could I have some more info please? Sounds interesting...


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    if such a donation is made, the JW is supposed to put that cash into a special envelope or purse, and place it in the box inside the Kingdom Hall marked "Worldwide WItnessing Work" (or something like that). The JW is NOT supposed to spend the money on coffee or donuts. And I'm sure that would never happen.....

    I'd rather that they spent any donations on coffee and donuts!! That way the org won't get as much money coming in and the door-to-door work gets radically reduced, at first because the troops spend more time in McDonalds or wherever - then as a result they get unfit and can't walk as fast. A win-win situation no?

    The witnesses who bring me literature never ask or even hint for a donation. I feel a bit bad really because I've had lots and I know they had to pay for it - and they really are ok people so on the personal level I feel like I'm ripping them off. Maybe I could get them a shop gift voucher so they can buy something for themselves.

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