How Did Being Referred To As A “Brother” Or “Sister” Make You Feel?

by The wanderer 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2think

    I always found it weird and uncomfortable to call people Aunty and Uncle. I thought it was strange because then people thought they were related to me, which would then lead to a long explanation that ended with them looking at me strangely. Ok more strangely then usual.

  • Highlander

    I'm rather fond of my new title:


  • mcsemike

    The WT conductor was being a jerkoff. I would have called him "Mr. Surname" or "sonny boy" since she was older. If he wants to play games, then play.

    She could have really gotten him good with a "Sister Surname" right back at him. She then could say since he doesn't seem to get titles or genders correct, then neither should she. What an ass.

  • minimus

    I HATED being introduced as "Brother Minimus" in social settings. Or if I went to a store, someone from the Hall would yell out, Hi Brother Minimus".

  • justhuman

    At that time it was a nice feeling. But it was kind of emparasing, when we were out at a puplic place, you hear that Brother word...... all the time. Peope used to look at us with a funny look.

    Anyway, that was all of the part of the brain washing technic, and to make the dubs feel SPECIAL, and that they are not part of this filthy, dirty, corrapted, world

  • Mrs. Witness
    Mrs. Witness

    "Having never been one, I wouldn't know... but I do know what it feels like being referred to as a "goat" by my mil, who is one." My hubby is JW and I am not. He calls everyone "brother this" and "sister that". He calls me "a bad association". I support his sorry but, feed him, clothe him, take care of everything, but because I don't subscribe to his jacked-up beliefs....I'm a BAD ASSOCIATION. I guess I should have made my screen name BAD ASS instead of Mrs. Witness...

  • Metamorphosis
    It really bothered me when a baptized jw would be called on at the meeting and be called Brother Smith and then an unbaptized adult would be adressed by their first name.

    I totally agree! I've known people who have been studying for months, in service, commenting at meetings - and the sudden switch to Mr or Mrs so-and-so when it's their time to comment. I just turn to my wife and ask her why they choose not to recognize those ones as part of the congragation - seems unkind.

    Morph - 'feeling love for everyone'

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