Worst U.S. President and Why?

by Black Man 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillbilly

    Milliard Filmore... ever heard of him? 'nuff said

    Warren Harding... a crook and bit of a pervert

    GWB ... history will tell ...but he aint the sharpest axe in the woods


  • avishai

    Under the circumstances, I think Edith Galt Wilson did a pretty good job as our first woman Prez.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Harrison, Harding and Buchanan

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    tried to update my post but Harrison because he pretty much killed himself with his swearing in speach, Harding because of his very bad friends who stole big time from the government, it was like a free for all, and final was Buchanan, he supported slave owners rights

  • mkr32208

    Interestingly there was a historian on TV the other day (ok several months ago) and they asked her if Bush was the worst president and she said about what I said. "Bush sucks but he's NO WHERE NEAR the worst ever!"

    Interestingly they asked her "who is the most hyped president in history." She said with out even pausing that Regan was the president who accomplished the least while being credited with the most!

    Which is not to say that presidents in the past haven't managed to accomplish LESS while in office but I it's not like people are building shrines to taft! The republicans are practically pushing for Regan to be enshrined on Mt.Rushmore for all he did....

  • 5go
    tried to update my post but Harrison because he pretty much killed himself with his swearing in speech, Harding because of his very bad friends who stole big time from the government, it was like a free for all, and final was Buchanan, he supported slave owners rights

    Bush has done all three of those. He has bad friends that steal form the government, and I add run it in to the ground too, he killed himself and the US military with the address the come, and get us in Iraq, and he supports any regime that treats it's citizens like slaves in fact has tried to get rid of democracies to keep the slaves citizens from being freed from poverty through government reforms they voted for in Venezuela and Bolivia. Those reform mean the US might have to pay more for it's oil, and gas from those countries.

  • hillary_step

    Lets face it folks, judging from your combined comments, US presidents on either side of the house, from the C18th to the C21st are about as useful to their country as a toilet at a Laxative Conference.

    Why don't you import them? ;)


  • jayhawk1

    When it comes to Bush, we can all agree that he has done nothing to improve the Country. That should be the goal of every man who ever held the office of President, but many have not measured up.

    So where does that leave Bush? Somewhere on the bottom end of mediocre. That Axis of Evil speech he gave early in the first term could have led to an even bigger war. If it had, then yes, he would be the worst president EVER! Imagine fighting a war in Iraq, Iran, Israel, Afghanistan, Turkey, and North/South Korea. It could have happened.

  • JimmyPage

    Skeeter, Carter is a far better ex-pres than he was pres. As far as worst pres, it's hard to top Dubya. Gas prices have tripled since this Texan with friends in the oil business gained power. When Katrina b*tch-slapped New Orleans he dropped the ball big time. And nobody wants his current Vietnam.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Buchanan, Harding and Andrew Johnson are generally agreed by historians as being at or near the bottom. I don't think it's fair to count someone like Harrison since he was only in office a month; give him an Incomplete.

    I'd be tempted to throw in Franklin Pierce just for discussion. He was largely ineffectual, and his policies appeased the South (repeal of the Missouri Compromise is an example) without a real long term goal, leading ultimately to the Civil War.

    As for Bush, he is very quick to point out history will determine his place. He has a point as Truman was, at the time, considered an awful President but now is thought to be one of the more underrated Presidents in history.

    Having said that, I think the Bush administration's failure to respond appropriately to 9/11, failure to fully resolve the Afghan war, capture those responsible for 9/11, creation of an unnecessary and elongated war in Iraq, having the highest budget deficits in history, an erractic economic policy without an apparent long term goal, suspension of habeas corpus, approval of torture (despite longstandng treaty obligations towards prisoners otherwise), and having the attitude that the presidency (and vice presidency) is above the law will ultimately work against him in history's judgment.


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