Would there be a backlash if the Blood Ban was lifted?

by Gill 49 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Duncan

    Would there be a backlash?

    I suspect it’s because the GB don’t know the answer to that question that they’re so utterly paralysed with indecision about it.

    The argument could easily be made that, from the faithful rank-and-file they’d have nothing to fear. The Watchtower has had enough of a history of failed prophecies, doctrinal flip-flops and plain nonsensical teachings that it’s had to live down, and none of this has ever seemed to cause them any problem whatever. At any point in time, whatever the latest fiasco has been, they publish new light and the current generation of sheep just eats it up, and thrills to the latest “wonderful articles”. And, of course, anybody who does make a fuss, or draws attention to the foolishness/contradiction/mendacity of it all are managed out of the organisation by one means or another. The remaining faithful simply regard those as “harvest siftings” as Garybuss said. It seems to be a perfect, stable and self-correcting system.

    And yet.

    There would certainly be a backlash in the wider world. The press, some agressive churches, critical observers, all of us old apostates, indeed anyone the society lumps in together as “opposers” - surely would have a field day. How could there not be a firestorm of publicity over such an emotive matter? All those children dead through the years? For what? You’ve CHANGED YOUR MIND? The furore would spill over from internet discussion boards into the regular press and TV schedules. This would be a matter of public interest (for five minutes or so, at least). Jay Leno would even do a routine about it.

    This is probably what the society fears: whether its damage-control systems, which have worked so well in the past, could cope with anything on quite this scale.

    Consider this: Most people who know anything about Jehovah’s Witnesses know maybe 3 things. And probably in this order:

    (1) They wake you up on Sunday trying to sell their magazines. This affects everyone.

    (2) They don’t have Christmas or birthdays. You’ll know this if there’s a JW at your child’s school, or there’s someone who works at your office – it’s a personal acquaintance issue, so there’s a lesser number of people than (1).

    (3) They don’t have blood transfusions. You’ll only be aware of this in a second-hand sense - only from newspapers or TV stories you’ve come across in the past.

    A turn-about on the blood issue ( and no matter how the Society tried to dress it up as a “clarification” or making it a “conscience matter” “no real change” etc. etc it would be seen and reported as an about-face) would automatically catapult number 3 there straight up to the number 1 spot. No question, it would be a smash hit in publicity terms. It would be the one thing people would ask at the doors: “aren’t you the people who used to think….”

    And, in the curious way that the human mind works, I suspect there would be tons more hatred, disgust and loathing directed at a sect that USED TO let its kids die, BUT NOW HAS CHANGED ITS MIND, than if they just left things as they are. Mad as it may be, people do give some grudging respect for consistency.

    So that’s the dilemma, the GB would see their authority come under attack, not from within, but from without. They have always been able to cope with that kind of opposition before – they’re past masters at defying the “world” after all, but the scale of this might be enough to overwhelm their defences.

    Like I said, they’re currently paralysed with indecision.

    But what would break the spell, what would make them move in double quick time as Choosing Life said, is some serious loss of revenue via lawsuits or some such.

    They always react quickly to that.

  • zagor

    I don't think so. We seem to be all too often forgetting here the nature of JW brain. How many such radical changes have taken place over the years and what happened? Just a small blip on the screen of those who actually left as result. When watered down version of new blood police came few years ago I've heard previously staunch voices of anything even remotely related to blood suddenly mellowing down and like parrots repeating WTBS reasoning behind the new policy. If it was that easy to move them by now many more would be already out.

    Remember this talk someone brought up that zone overseer gave, was it in Belgium? Well now the new policy is a good dub will not even have the FIRST thought about something let alone the SECOND lmao.

    So I think we are just dreaming if we think anything would change. What would happen would be that they would now happily take blood and still feel like faithful witnesses. Trust me if by any chance "immorality" becomes the matter of individual conscience, you'll see many brothels packing up with "faithful" brothers ;)


    can i ask a ? im not a witness but a witness told me that hardly anyone dies as plasma etc is avaliable but from what im reading in here it doesnt seem to be true

  • ozziepost
    but a witness told me that hardly anyone dies as plasma etc is avaliable

    A witness would! They're so deluded about the risks involved that everything is downplayed. They're so deluded (confused?) about what pasrt of blood is OK and what does what that they'll come out with any sort of nonsense.

    He should be asked how many died in his state in the past few years through not having transfusions.

  • Scully
    if by any chance "immorality" becomes the matter of individual conscience

    And there's the other issue: the WTS has placed taking blood transfusions on the same level as committing fornication. They encourage people to resist a blood transfusion - even pulling out IV lines - as if they were being raped. In court room proceedings, they've compared being given a blood transfusion against their wishes (under court order) as a "violation" like rape.


    km9/92p.6 Safeguarding Your Children From Misuse of Blood***

    When judges are called upon to issue court orders hastily, often they have not considered or been reminded of the many dangers of blood, including AIDS, hepatitis, and a host of other hazards. You can point these out to the judge, and you can also make known to him that you, as a Christian parent, would view the use of another person’s blood in an effort to sustain life as a serious violation of God’s law and that forcing blood upon your child would be viewed as tantamount to rape.


    km11/90p.6 Are You Ready to Face a Faith-Challenging Medical Situation?***

    "If blood is forced on me in any way, it would be the same to me as being raped. I would suffer the emotional and spiritual consequences of that unwanted attack on me for the rest of my life. I would resist with all my strength such a violation of my body without my consent. I would make every effort to prosecute my attackers just as I would in a case of rape."


    The strong, graphic impression must be made that a forced transfusion is to us a repugnant violation of our bodies. It is no casual matter.


    w916/15p.17Walk as Instructed by Jehovah***

    A younger Christian had the same rare type of cancer. The girl and her parents understood and accepted modified chemotherapy from a specialist at a noted hospital. Still, the case was taken to court. The judge wrote: "D.P. testified she would resist having a blood transfusion in any way that she could. She considered a transfusion an invasion of her body and compared it to rape. She asked the Court to respect her choice and permit her to continue at [the hospital] without Court ordered blood transfusions.

    What mental gymnastics are going to be required to all of a sudden to allow that blood transfusions are a Conscience Matter™, but sexual activity outside of marriage is still por'ne-ia and a Disfellowshipping Offense™?

    How are they going to separate the concepts at Acts 15:28 that JWs believe requires them to "keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication"?

    If they do start making blood transfusions a Conscience Matter™, you can bet that there will be JWs who will start justifying sexual activity outside of marriage to be a Conscience Matter™ as well. I'm not saying it would be a bad thing overall, because the don't-ask-don't-tell and mind-you-own-business approach would be a lot healthier for people, but it would certainly raise some eyebrows initially, especially when people have been cut off from their families for years for "loose conduct" and "fornication".

  • stapler99

    They used to ban vaccinations and organ transplants too, but no-one remembers! I remember there was an article in the British press claiming that the Governing Body had decided at to allow blood transfusions after a top-secret meeting last night, or such-like. It was said by some JW's at that time that even if the organization had allowed blood transfusions then they still wouldn't take them. In truth the GB can probably get away with doing what they like and only a few will disagree, it will just hasten slightly the the eventual decline and extinction of this religious organization.

    I do believe that there is widespread confusion about the blood policy within the ranks of the witnesses. At one book study group someone was asking about the Advance Healthcare Directive that all JW's are being made to fill in now, and the option of whether you will accept blood fractions. "Is that not still blood?" was the question, and everyone in the book study group nodded. The conductor said something along the lines of "Well, I can sort of see how one might feel that one might accept fractions, er, well, its really a conscience matter..."


    Would there be a backlash?..No..Some would get P*ssed off and leave..Some would make a big deal about it and get disfellowshipped..The rest would do as thier told,as they wouldn`t want to get disfellowshipped for pointing out Bullsh*t.....And.....Life go`s on in the Insane World of the WBT$...OUTLAW

  • Gill

    Thank you for all your replys.

    It seems to me that, if they really did want to lift the blood ban they would first have to lift the disfellowshiping and disassociating rules for anything at all. This would make it possible for JWs to really have a choice over whether they had blood transfusions or not as they would no longer be announced DA'd from the platform and therefore not be shunned.

    If that were to happen, the WT would lose control of its R and F. BUT, it could avoid them having to actually officially lift the blood band. Then, they could avoid any costly law suits and would be a way around an horrendous problem that could possibly hit them financially far more than the pedophile cover up.

    Let's face it! Legally, they are blood clever. They only send JWs from Bethel to University to study law, and NEVER to study theology or Bible history. They know how to twist the law to protect their bank balances.

    But, as I said to begin with, they can NEVER EVER officially announce that JWS are free to take blood transfusions with no consequences at all.

    Since I doubt they would want to give away the ultimate weapon against their sheep, which is the living death of shunning, I expect it will probably never happen! Too costly!

    If my child had died from lack of blood transfusion and they lifted the ban, I would personally hunt down every last one of the Sloobering Goobies and ....well...it wouldn't be pretty!!

  • Rabbit


    I do believe that there is widespread confusion about the blood policy within the ranks of the witnesses. At one book study group someone was asking about the Advance Healthcare Directive that all JW's are being made to fill in now, and the option of whether you will accept blood fractions. "Is that not still blood?" was the question, and everyone in the book study group nodded. The conductor said something along the lines of "Well, I can sort of see how one might feel that one might accept fractions, er, well, its really a conscience matter..."

    Unfortunately, the GB have done their fear mongering and mind-control jobs very well. You know what those Witnesses are really thinking ? Remember...they have been conditioned for years to be paranoid...about always being tested ! They believe this is just another Test...being sent down the pipeline thru the FDS...to them. Just another "separating work", a "winnowing the wheat from the chaff".

    Right before "the End of this Wicked Old System of Things ™"

    When the WT finally 'allowed' Hemoglobin onto their growing "Conscience Matter ™" list, I took the opportunity to talk to one of my grown JW kids about the "Advance Healthcare Directive". I encouraged her to allow all these fractions, especially the one that would have saved her grandmother's life. She firmly declined, saying, "...it's because there has been so many changes and so many JW's leaving ..that I think it may be Jehovah testing us...to see who has a weak conscience...so, I selected, No Blood Products of any kind..." and then she smiled...proudly. (She made Jehovah smile, too)

    *sigh* I really don't want to attend another JW blood issue funeral.


  • Gill

    Excellent point, Rabbit!

    My mother 'explained' to me, that the Society had introduced blood fractions being a 'conscience matter' as some of the brothers were spiritually weak and could not abstain from blood, whereas all of the 'spiritually strong' brothers and sisters knew that it was wrong to take blood or even blood fractions right up to death.

    Both my parents filled in their Advanced Medical Directive refusing ALL blood products. They made their suicide pact with the Watchtower Society's Help. Since the Watchtower makes the forms and gives them the options they can choose from the Watchtower should and WILL pay if either of them choose to die over this even if it only amounts to bad publicity!!

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