war coming to Isreal?

by Sasha 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Forscher
    Forcher's muddleheadedness is entirely understandable, given his reliance upon WorldNetDaily , the go-to source for Birch Society-themed conspiracy theories, creationist news, anti-global warming hysteria, other anti-science quackery, and the deeply considered opinions of such intellectual heavyweights as Pat Boone and Chuck Norris.


    I've never tried the Birch Society's site. What little I've seen of their material is a bit to radical for my taste. Sure, I patronize Drudge, and WND. Those are much better than your Huffington's Post, and Daily Kos, were you and Hill obviously get your smug attitude and style of debate. They also seem to be where you and Hill get your belief that anything to the right of Ralph Nader is "right wing."


  • hillary_step


    And once again you show a lack of grasp for the subtleties of argumentation Hill. When I wrote that "So it appears that Syria is gearing up for an invasion of Israel" my use of the word "appears" expressed a lack of certainty which seems to have escaped your much vaunted superior level of scrutiny and understanding. But then that is about all I've come to expect from you.

    This truly disgusting display of intellectual dishonesty is one that should go down in this Board's history, and is even beneath you to attempt to foist it on the readers Forscher. Shame on you!

    Any person, with a scintilla of common-sense knows exactly what you meant by this comment :

    It was noted recently in the media that Syria is building up its forces along its border with Israel along with new arms sent to it by Iran. So it appears that Syria is gearing up for an invasion of Israel. I guess the pseudo-victory of Hezbollah last year has emboldened the Arab world towards another try.

    You are now trying to insult the intelligence of the readers of this thread by suggesting that the word 'appears' actually changes the sentiment of your post to allow for your a wider view than that obviously intoned by the tenor of your post. What exactly did you mean by this :

    I guess the pseudo-victory of Hezbollah last year has emboldened the Arab world towards another try.

    Of course, given your claims above, you will probably now suggest that the phrase 'I guess' allows for an equal division of viewpoints!! You are a liar and a fraud Forscher, and ever person who has ever debated with you, or seeks to debate with you should be taken to this thread to see just what a scoundrel they are dealing with.

    Grow up you little phoney and accept your errors with maturity rather than dishonesty.


  • TopHat

    HS, IF ANYONE, needs to grow up...YOU DO! Do you ever read your own disgusting post?

    If someone disagrees with your viewpoint...you act like a spoiled little 5 year old having a fit.

    And then you go on and on and on with the same old insults. Like that is funny.

  • hillary_step

    Top Hat,

    HS, IF ANYONE, needs to grow up...YOU DO! Do you ever read your own disgusting post?

    Well lookie here, Brainiac is back on the block, ever ready to counsel Hillary-Step, ever devoid of a clue about anything. Do you actually have something to add to this thread apart from your usual tri-line attempts to put me in my place?

    For example, how do you read Forcher's original post? I suspect that you do even understand the basics of what is being discussed in this thread, but here is your chance to prove me wrong.

    For your information, I am not in the least irritated or even dissapointed by Forscher's attempt at trying to fool us all. What I will say is that both your own and his passive agressive mode of levelling insults and then attempting to claim the high moral ground indicate a self-righteousness that leads me to recall this statement :

    Excrementum vincit cerebellum.


  • dilaceratus
    Forcher:When I wrote that "So it appears that Syria is gearing up for an invasion of Israel" my use of the word "appears" expressed a lack of certainty...

    As Hillary_step states, the dishonesty of your attempted ruse is appalling. Depressingly predictably, it is also factually wrong, since the word appears is used in English to indicate something that is true or probable (cf. "is apparent," "is visible").

    As seems necessary to point out, "true" and "probable" are positive attributes, not negative or "lack"ing.


    "So it appears that Forcher doesn't own a dictionary." Do I detect a lack of certainty? No, positive.

    Bonus Construction:

    "So it appears that Forcher doesn't own a dictionary, yet the truth is more complex. He does, but has glued the pages together so that no facts might escape and corrupt his worldview."

  • hillary_step


    So it appears that Forcher doesn't own a dictionary, yet the truth is more complex. He does, but has glued the pages together so that no facts might escape and corrupt his worldview."

    lol.....very droll.....but beware the revenge of the Attack Hat, for it descends with fire and fury and savages its foe with teeth of polyestyrene.


  • TopHat

    I am beginning to believe, HS, has multiple personalities. A few of these posters sound a lot like him and use the same expressions and comments. LOL

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