Sextuplet parents lose appeal

by Gayle 16 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • looking_glass

    Looks like someone's brother is also upset that adult JWs refuse blood and is wanting to take it to the courts as well.

  • mouthy

    You speak about in years to come when they change their minds om this issue

    David Reed told me a friend of his abided by the Wt rule of not having cornia transplants ....Went blind !then years later Jehovah changed his mind..... It was a test on her integrity the "loving" elders said


    The newspapers are misinformed..The JW parents didn`t lose the appeal..JW`s have no say in thier decisions..WBT$ makes those decisions for them..WBT$ lost the appeal..The parents got to watch..And..Shane Brady looks like an ass.....Thats what you get when your a WBT$ Whore.....Was the money worth it Brady??..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • Frank75

    Shane Brady!

    Read my lips, YOU ARE A

    L – O – S – E – R !!!!


  • Odrade

    So. The Baby Killers in Brooklyn aren't going to be able to interrogate the doctors who saved 4 childrens' lives about what? Why they didn't just let all 6 of them die? Good. At last somebody has some commonsense. Go Canada!

  • WTWizard

    I hope this is the start of a new trend. They are murderers, and yet they claim us as murderers because we are not going 160 MPH in the city to the houses, and then sprinting to the doors to "save" lives. Hopefully they are stopped from doing things in a reckless manner, or swiftly punished when they do start doing things recklessly. And I hope the pedophile suits hit them at once, with stories in Time magazine and similar publications.

    Killing children for blood. Pedophiles. Lying and swindling. Scams. I hope all this ends up coming due as one huge balloon payment that puts the whole tower down. And I hope when they have the stupid idea of kidnapping those who are on the way out, or those who have already left, that they get hit with even worse trouble. I hope they cannot afford the balloon that they are about to get hit with.

  • Mary
    Shane Brady, the parents' lawyer, had argued in the Court of Appeal that being able to cross-examine the doctors was a matter of fundamental justice.

    Poor Brother Brady. How humiliating that Jehovah didn't 'put it into the hearts' of the court system to listen to the stupid advise of the senile men running this cult. Perhaps they should actually take a look at what the bible says before they try condemning more helpless babies to a needless and preventable death:

    Matthew 9:12-13"...he [Jesus] said: "Persons in health do not need a physician, but the ailing do. 13 Go, then, and learn what this means, ‘I want mercy, and not sacrifice."

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