Should I be doing more?

by WTLies 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTLies

    Thank you all for your replies and words of comfort I really appreciate it.

    To Old Hippie:
    You say I went beyond 'what I was allowed to do'well if all the Society does is give suggestions and the person then makes up his own mind then there no rule for me to have broken.

    To pettygrudger:
    Pay for your sons college lol good one. But I'm glad to hear he's going. My sons are still very young and I have a set up a fun for their college, against my wifes wishes. She's still in and she's what you would call an old school JW she still thinks this system will end before they get to college and then the money will be wasted. But I still save it anyway. Thanks for you kind words and your humor : )

    To: wannahelp
    Thanks for reminding me about 'works' being a jw all my life it's hard to get out of that routine of thinking. Thank you for the reminder : )

    The verbage of almost everything the WT does is made to look like you are 'coming up' with your own conclusion while they just present facts.. It's just another trick of brainwashing.. I'm glad to see you didn't fall for it..
    That was an excellent reply to Old Hippie. I think you're right he's coming around

    To: Farkel you said

    If you are helping people because you want to do so, that is commendable. If you are helping people out of deep guilt, that is residual WatchtowerThink.
    Honestly I think it's a little of both. I cant help but to feel some guilt but I am trying to help others out of the Watchtower because I enjoy doing it, and i know its the right thing to do. But the guilt is there too.

    To: JanH
    Thanks for the Watchtower quotes they really demonstrate the way the thinking was then and somewhat still today.

    To: bboyneko

    if your version of 'help' is to send the poor ex-jw's into another religion, you are gravely mistaken. Your help should be soley in helping them see the JW's are wrong and to basically teach them how to apply logic
    No I do not lead them to another religion in fact I no longer believe in organized religion as a whole. My main goal is to get them out of the Watchtower and to get to know the real Jesus Christ.

    To: Prisca
    Thank you so much for the encouragement. Yours and Frankel's point about serving out of guilt is well taken. You're right it would be defeating the purpose. I just have to work hard at getting out of the JW mindset. I've only been out 3 years but I've been in for 30!

    To: Nathan Natas

    I think I was the one who told you you have "dues to pay."
    Yes you were Nathan and it did cause me to think on it. Thanks for writing again now I have a better understanding of what you meant.

    As you all can see I'm new here so bear with me if my posts dont come out right.

    formerly a member of a Non-Prophet

  • JT

    Old Hippie

    i am glad that you are able to go to college - but you stated:

    There ARE no unwritten laws or "lean-on's". If it is not written, they don't exist


    Your comments are very revealing --for it shows clearly how little you actually know about how the Writing Dept works-

    i see no need to argue with you --i don't do that anymore- but as i mentioned i would highly suggest you better inform yourself on how High Control groups operate-

    for you to make the following statement:

    "There ARE no unwritten laws or "lean-on's". If it is not written, they don't exist"

    You are merely uninformed on matters-

    i realize that you have been posting for sometime, but for you to have read all the post on this thread and the direct quotes from the org publication on college-

    or most recently the 3 straight weeks they spent on the 'service meeting DEMONIZING COLLEGE is very

    even the most dyed in the wool active jw will admit that the org LEANING on education has always been to not go for higher college level education

    so when a person like yourself comes to the net and says in effect

    "I didn't get hit playing in the road as a kid so it must be safe for other kids to play" is a very sad view to hold-

    so please read back over this thread so that you can see just what the Mouth pc of god revealed to be the view of God on seeking higher education-

    Please do your research


  • GentlyFeral

    William, what do you think of this:

    Pettygrudger gave me the idea by saying...

    LOL - unless ya wanna pay for my son's education as I never went to college? (thats a joke - lighten up

    But isn't that a great idea? Starting a scholarship fund for XJW's? You don't have to put up much of the money yourself, just learn how to collect and administer it. Start a foundation!

    Gently Feral

  • SashaofNH

    Nate~~>> I think I was the one who told you you have "dues to pay."
    What I was thinking was more along the line of going to the individuals you may have disfellowshipped or misguided and asking their forgiveness.

    Sasha~~> The Lord has spoken!
    When you have done something to someone, have you gone back to each of them and asked for their forgivness? Have you kept track of your mistakes made while in a cult thinking you are following God?? It sounds so foolish, what you stated. As if there is not ENOUGH guilt to pass around within the JW cult! Your comment just plain sucks. :)

    Sorry, that sounds kinda harsh....but I had to comment.

  • GentlyFeral

    William, what do you think of this:

    Pettygrudger gave me the idea by saying...

    LOL - unless ya wanna pay for my son's education as I never went to college? (thats a joke - lighten up

    But isn't that a great idea? Starting a scholarship fund for XJW's? You don't have to put up much of the money yourself, just learn how to collect and administer it. Start a foundation!

    Gently Feral

  • WTLies

    To: GentlyFeral, you said

    But isn't that a great idea? Starting a scholarship fund for XJW's

    Yes that is a great idea but I'm not good as administrative things but I would certainaly donate to such a fund. I think many of us would.

    To: SashaofNH you said

    As if there is not ENOUGH guilt to pass around within the JW cult
    That is so true the whole thing is based on guilt. Even though they already have you jumping through hoops to get to meetings 3 times a week then out in service on the weekends then they try to make you feel guilty that you arent out for
    evening witnessing. Then they will have a service meeting part asking why you're not aux or reg pioneering? I find it hard to shake the built-in guilt they instilled in me. You're always on a treadmill feeling as though you're never doing enough.

    Thank you for your post Sasha. Folks she is my very best friend in the whole world. I don't know what I would do without her in my life. (((((((Sasha)))))) major hugs to you Sasha :)

    formerly a member of a Non-Prophet

  • SashaofNH

    WTlies~~> Thank you for your post Sasha. Folks she is my very best friend in the whole world. I don't know what I would do without her in my life. (((((((Sasha)))))) major hugs to you Sasha :)

    Me~~~> Ditto to you Will. :P
    LOL! And Ditto on the HUGS as well. :)

  • anewperson

    Even after "new light" said college is okay Circuit Overseers went around giving talks saying it isn't. The WTS's idea was to not appear quite as anti-education so that they could be accepted as a non-cult eligible for tax breaks etc in Germany and other countries and also scoop up some computer-smart people, but that in reality for most of the rank-and-file it would continue to be undesirable for youth to go to college but rather they should be full-time door-to-door ministers (pioneers).

    So William is telling it like it is. He was just doing as CO's over him said to do. It harmed those he was compelled to so counsel as well as his own life.

    Could you do more? Yes, we could all do more. Continue prayerful and keep your eyes open and what those other avenues are will come to you. Asking us is a good start. Jah's Spirit is where there is the love of two or more fellow Christians. I recommend the Free Christians Newsletter available from [email protected] for an excellent source of ministry ideas to help our beloved still enslaved JW families and friends.

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