Kids playing 'chicken' on main roads and railway tracks

by needproof 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • needproof

    By kids, I mean teens.

    There has been in increase in this kind of stupid behavior around my area. It seems to me that we are breeding a generation of complete morons. I went to a neighbourhood meeting the other night where this issue was raised, and the local councilor kept coming out with all these silly theories, one being that we should waste a load of money in our budget in building a little play area for these fuckwits complete with new basketball nets and what not.

    Why is it that, particularly in this country (UK), we reward foolishness? Perhaps it is the same where you live. I mean, what are the parents doing? Would it really be such a loss if one of these idiots were knocked down? I did a lot of silly things when I was that age and still do silly things, but what lunacy is behind the concept of running into the path of an oncoming car or train?

    I sometimes wonder if the human race is beginning to go backwards. I think we should seriously consider getting repeat youth offenders and throwing them on the battle front in Iraq.

    What do you think should be done about these stupid anti social kids?

  • Sparkplug
    It seems to me that we are breeding a generation of complete morons.

    Maybe if they are feeling what teens here are feeling, there is a complet hopelessness. They are fed a diet of empty images. a false lifestyle. It is based on images and photos, music and emptyness. they are not incouraged to have substance. To have a talent. Some shine through and grasp on anyways, but the mainstream public schools here do not encourage any kind of independent thinking nor any kind of true grit. I don't know....I just worry that they have truly as you said, "breeding a generation of complete morons."

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    The kids in South Africa are playing a game called "Train Surfing". Our trains are all above ground these kids climb onto the roof of the train and stand as if surfing and the train is the surf board. Many have been killed, the slip off or the are not paying attention to the approaching tunnel! This is happening mostly in low income areas. I don't know what makes these kids go play with their lives like this.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    No future ... No ambition ... No plans ... No hopes ...

    We're in a society where you can have it all now, buy now pay later (or never if you can outwit the system)

    Rights without responsibilites, actions without consequences - it'll 'never happen to me',

    they live for now, they'll never get caught out.

    ... except one day they will ....

    sorry for being so depressingly philosophical, I'll pick myself off the floor in a minute!

    I sometimes wonder if the human race is beginning to go backwards.

    I am noticing that a lot of the feral kids near me seem to be developing similar gait, speech abilities and behaviour patterns to chimps (seriously - I'm not just saying this for a laugh.)

    I suppose the *bright* side is that these kids are lobbing themselves at trains and cars rather than bricks or lumps of concrete which could cause a higher number of injuries/loss of life.

  • kls*

    We have had the same problem in the surrounding area and lately the Big thrill is to try to fly through a stop sign as fast as you can to see if you can beat the on coming traffic, and yes someone loses. 9 out of 10 times their is drinking involved .

    We have also lost alot of teens lately from drinking and driving combined with speed . All of the calls have ended with the car hitting trees and there are no survivors.

    Which brings up something you may all be able to help with, my First responder Supervisor wants us in the Fire department ,to think of something to help get through to teens the reality of what really will and can happen ,that they are not invincible and take it to area schools and try to help teens understand how serious this is.

    How can we show teens and really make an impact on them to think before they pay the ultimate price.

    Any ideas would be appreciated

    kls/ First responder

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    hi kls

    In my part of the UK, the police liaise with the fire brigade (who usually end up cutting casualties out of wrecks and clearing the site) to run education days for repeat offenders - drink-drivers or 'joy'riders. They will show them actual footage of fatal crash scenes where drink or high speed has been involved, sometimes followed by a filmed interview with the surviving relatives/victims families (who will have given permission for the crash footage to be used of course) and try drum the message home that 'this could be you next'. They then couple this with re-education on safe driving.

    Of course there are still some who won't get the message whatever you do

  • unique1

    I consider this natural selection.

  • needproof

    Natural selection is a very interesting term to use concerning this and upon consideration I agree!

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    There is one author that suggests that the adolescent male brain is not fully functional until the late, late teens and that all of the risk taking is a lack of impulse control which maturity eventually compensates for.

    If you ever get a chance to read his books or watch the PBS program "Raising Cain" they are all really good.

  • funkyderek

    Darwinism in action!

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